Shorebird migration close to peaking for many species in southern Ontario.
This morning at Ressor Pond we had an eastern subspecies of the Short-billed
Dowitcher (nominate griseus) in breeding plumage. This subspecies breeds
mainly in Quebec and is much less frequent in Ontario than the inland
subspecies hendersoni, which migrates through southern Ontario in good
numbers. Compared to the brighter hendersoni with its extensive cinnamon
colour below, the cinnamon on griseus is paler and confined to the neck and
chest. The Sibley and National Geographic guides illustrate these two
subspecies. We also saw a dull morph male Wilson's Phalarope, 15
Semipalmated Plovers, 2 Dunlins, 12+ Least Sandpipers, Spotted Sandpipers
and Killdeers. Most shorebirds were at the far side of the pond. You can
walk closer, but a scope is needed to see them well. 

Directions: Reesor Pond is on the west side Reesor Road about 1 km south of
Steeles in Markham.

Happy shorebirding,

Ron Pittaway and Jean Iron (Jean just went back to get better photos of the
Toronto ON

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