We decided to try for the trifecta of rare geese late today thanks to Ron Ridout and Len Manning for your work at finding and reporting!! At #2936 Lakeshore Rd Port Rowan (Long Point), 4:15 we managed to see 3 Snow Geese waaaaay in the distance in the field above the narrow waterway while struggling to keep our scope from blowing away. Ron Ridout graciously confirmed them to be the Snow Geese and not the Ross's. Many Sandhill Cranes were also visible. No Greater White-fronted Goose visible to us. We then headed west on Lakeshore and just west of #2231 a flock of 13 white birds erupted from a field. When they landed we scoped them and determined them to be Ross's! Awesome to see that many at once!!! They took flight, moved around quite a bit and eventually re-settled across from #2131at 4:45 where we had even better views of them. Ron and another birder also had views to confirm them to be the Ross's.
Anyone trying for these birds should try driving the area along Lakeshore between Gore and West Quarter Line and Concession A. The birds seemed to be moving around quite a bit.Pics on our ebird report http://ebird.org/ebird/canada/view/checklist?subID=S27287173 Directions - Hwy 24 - take #59 to Long Point - Right on Lakeshore. Good luck! Hoping we get a Greater White-fronted Goose soon! Our 4th attempt.... ellen and jerry horak www.thesustainabilityadventure.blogspot.com _______________________________________________ ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial birding organization. Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca For information about ONTBIRDS including how to unsubscribe visit http://www.ofo.ca/site/page/view/information.ontbirdssetup Posting guidelines can be found at http://www.ofo.ca/site/page/view/information.ontbirdsguide