These postings are late, and more of local interest perhaps:

1) Saturday; near Gananoque; off hwy 32 near hwy 15; Long Point Rd at Olajos 
Lane: the marsh on Olajos Lane had 3 Horned Grebes foraging in faster-flowing 
water, 11:30 am to 4:30 pm, one entering breeding plumage;

2) Saturday; near Odessa; a pair of Sandhill Cranes flew SW over the 401 at 
Wilton Rd;

3) Sunday; near Belleville; Frink Centre sugar shack trail; in sultry, still, 
humid bottomland, singing were Hermit Thrushes, one Swainson's Thrush, two 
Brown Creepers, one Ruby-crowned Kinglet, numerous Golden-crowned Kinglets and 
DE Juncos, two Yellow-rumped Warblers, one Winter Wren, and Eastern Phoebes 
which will likely nest on the Maple Sugar Shack.  Flickers, YB Sapsuckers, and 
Pileated Woodpeckers are also excavating cavities there.

On the Riverside Trail, 3 Pied-billed Grebes in the shallows of a high Moira 

Warning, Frink Centre Trails: For those familiar with the Frink Centre, ice 
still covers the large wetland off the parking lot, and the bridge crossing the 
bottomland near the sugar shack is completely under water, with only railing 
occasionally showing.

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birding organization.
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