
We tried (family in tow) for the second time, this time successfully.
A bit distant view for me then it disappeared after I watched it just
sit there for 30min.  A scope may be beneficial if the bird stays out
there while you are there - keep scanning bushes/treetops etc.

The bird was perched to the left of and behind the "Monticello
Wetland" sign, straight south of road.  It started on bushes behind
the berm (willow bushes??), about 150m out then it flew after 5
minutes there to a leafless bush further left/east where it stayed the
rest of the time I was there (25min), then I looked up at some
Sandhill Cranes and looked back where it and 2 Eastern Kingbirds had
been but they had all flown off.  This was between 8:10pm & 8:45pm.

Also seen were 6 Sandhill Cranes, American Bittern, 25+ Great Egret,
Wood Duck, 25+ Bobolink (collected in 2 flocks), Caspian Tern, Belted
Kingfisher, Northern Harrier, Marsh Wren, Gray Catbird, amongst

Good birding,
Frank Pinilla
Richmond Hill, ON

>From Orangeville take Cty Rd 109 west to Cty Rd 25, turn right/north
through Grand Valley and continue up to Cty Rd 15, turn left and go
throuigh the hamlets of Colbeck & Monticello (the latter is about 5km
west of Cty Rd 25), just past Monticello start checking wires/trees
etc. Stop near the white sign (small turnoff where 1 car could park),
walk the road back toward Monticello checking all around.

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