Hello Ontbirders:

Yesterday afternoon cross-country skiing along the east side of the Rideau 
River in downtown Ottawa, I encountered a Northern Shrike about 50 feet up on 
the top of a bare tree. I was attracted by the sound of bird song which I 
didn't recognize. I have probably never heard a Northern Shrike singing in the 
Ottawa area, but this one kept it up for at least ten minutes flying several 
times to sit high up in neighbouring trees. It then flew up river and I lost 
it. I returned home and listened to the Northern Shrike song on a tape to 
confirm the song.

Good birding

Peter Hall

Directions: The bird was on the biking tail (used in winter by cross-country 
skiiers) on the east side of the Rideau River several kilometers north of Bank 
Street in a wooded area backed on by open fields on the west side of Riverside 
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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