Note:-  I am posting the following with the permission of Mark Cranford the 
Ontbirds Coordinator.

On a visit to the Ravenshoe Rd / Yonge St. area north of Toronto recently  I 
encountered a ploughed up snow road block half way down Yonge St.

When talking to some gentlemen (Owl Banders) there I was informed that the road 
block was put up (legally or not) because of some people and some people in 
cars that were trespassing on the dikes looking for / getting closer to or 
chasing Snowy Owls.

(Driving around this block is having to trespass)

They also told me that local land owners said that they put up with the casual 
owl viewing but it seems to be getting out of hand with some cars blocking 
Ravenshoe Rd and Yonge St. making it harder for the trucks and farm vehicles 
that go to and from the produce warehouses as well as the local residents 
getting to and from their homes and because of the frequent trespassing of some 
people trying to get closer to the owls in order to get close photos.

I myself have seen several men and women walking far out on the dikes, even the 
ones with NO TRESPASSING signs very visible on and at the beginning of the 
dike, most, if not all with large lens cameras and I have also seen a car out 
on a dike with the driver and friends standing in front of it taking photos of 
a Snowy Owl that they also proceeded to flush.

The same gentlemen above (the banders) also informed me that one woman in her 
car got stuck on the dike at the end of Yonge St. and had to be rescued by a 
tow truck this season already.

None of this is acceptable behaviour by photographers or birders and it can 
only lead to problems from residents in the future and problems (already) for 
the owls and of course could and should lead to charges of trespassing and 

All of the land along both sides of Ravenshoe Rd and Yonge St. west of Leslie 
St. is PRIVATE PROPERTY and should be treated as such.

Don’t ruin it for others and possible have it lead to the farmers shooing the 
owls away from their fields which in many cases could lead to the death of some 
of these great birds. They are there because of the food and rest available, 
don’t take this from them

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill
Ontario, Canada

You can't see birds if you don't go out but sit and wait for others to find 
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