This a summary of results from today's watch which extended from 5:50 am to
4:00 pm. Tom Lane and I were there for the duration ... our results made
more complete by the  much appreciated assistance from M.C. Coburn, Ross
Harris, Sean DeKelver and David Creelman.
Whimbrels recorded (TOTAL = 46): 10 at 7:15 am and circled until 8:12 am; 1
at 10:50 am which passed by twice more and landed for about 15 minutes
until 11:28 am when it flushed and few east; 35 flying east at 2:26 pm.
By 4:00 pm the park got very busy with passing cigarettes boat and two
para-surfers and sun bathers.
The only other migrant shorebirds were 2 Black-bellied Plovers, one of
which landed briefly.  The Common Loon count today totaled 18.
Surprisingly, we had three relatively large flocks of White-winged Scoters
(40, 50 & 65) passed today.
PLEASE NOTE: The Watch continues for two more days when there still a good
change of a few more small flocks of Whimbrels together with late migrants
like Sanderlings and White-rumped Sandpipers.
Lastly, as far as I know, the Least Bittern [which was found by Kai
Millyard (and photographed by me) around 4:00 on 27 May and heard calling
follow morning at 6:00 am by Tim McCarthy and I] has not found today in
spite of a lot of searching.

The park is located south of Humber College Campus just south of Lakeshore
south of Kipling.  The nearest parking lot is located at the end of Colonel
Smith Park Drive which aligns with the south end of Kipling at Lakeshore.

Wayne Renaud (
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