Yesterday Bob Tyler and I birded The Islands from Ward's Island to Gibralter 
Point on a beautiful Fall day bypassing Algonquin Island and Snug Harbour.

Besides the birds listed below we found 284 Black-capped Chickadees on and 
passing through the above areas almost as many as we saw last Thursday the 25th 
when we recorded 288 birds. These totals of the migrating and resident 
Chickadees were probably under  counted. 

Some of the other birds seen were 2 Cackling Geese, Black Ducks, Gadwalls, N. 
Shovelers, A. Wigeons, Ring-necked Ducks, Hooded Mergansers, Merlin, 2 juvenile 
Peregrine Falcons noisily chasing each other as they headed towards the Leslie 
St. Spit, 5 Woodpecker species including 3 Red-bellied, Hairy and Downy, 2 
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers and Flickers, E. Phoebes, Carolina and Winter Wrens, 
both Kinglets, 50 plus A. Robins, 35 plus Cedar Waxwings, Yellow-rumped 
Warblers and 22 N. Cardinals.

For those that are interested we also found 3 A. Admiral/Comma type Butterflies 
but on Gibralter Point only 1 Monarch Butterfly.

A surprise sighting was a small Bat hawking midgets over Gibralter Point around 
2 pm.

A Map and a Painted Turtle were also seen, perhaps our last until next spring.

Norm Murr
Richmond Hill, Ont.
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