Hi folks: last couple of days birds have been moving in S. Mississauga
Today (Wed.) Dan Salisbury and I ( Luc Fazio) led the weekly bird walk at The 
Riverwood Conservancy, on Burnhamthorpe North-East of the Credit river bridge. 
Highlites include
Bald Eagle (1 adult) with many Turkey Vultures(50) over the Burnhampthorpe 
bridge; other Hawks observed were Red-tailed(2), Sharp-shinned(2), Cooper's(1) 
and Peregrine Falcon (1) south of Burnhamthorpe
Many Small flocks of Warblers mostly Yellow-rumped (58), with Common 
Yellowthroat(1), Nashville(2), Chestnut-sided (1) and Wilson's (1). A 
Blue-headed Vireo was observed At Erindale Park, South of Riverwood East of the 
Credit River
Note that Yesterday, in between rain showers, at the University of Toronto at 
Mississauga (Principal residence road & path along the woodlot west of the 
Credit River) there was Canada and Pine Warblers along with Warbling and 
Red-eyed Vireos  
Here are four videos for your enjoyment.....
A)     Warbling Vireo url to Youtube  
B)     Red-eyed Vireo url to YouTube 
C)     Blue-Headed Vireo URL to You Tube  
D)     Canada Warbler URL   

Other birds of note
Wood Duck ( a pair) at UTM southern-most pond with DC Cormorants (3) and 1 
female Belted Kingfisher.
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker(1) at Riverwood parking Lot
Red-bellied Woodpeckers (2) at Riverwood River Trail close to Burnhamthorpe 
bridge ( + a few Downy & Hairy Woodpeckers)

Swainson's (3) & Hermit ( 2) Thrushes  
Brown Creeper (1) and  Golden-crowned Kinglet (3)    
Sparrows : White-crowned (3), White-throated (28), Song ( 15), Swamp (1).
Common Grackles ( 60) Red-winged BB (25)  Rusty Blackbirds (4) at UTM
+many other common birds, lists will be submitted to ebirds
If you can join us for Bird walks at The Riverwood Conservancy weekly on 
Wednesday starting at 8:30 am, great for photography as well as bird watching.
Directions to Riverwood:  From hiway #403 to Mavis Rd., turn west on 
Burnhamthorpe to the east of Credit River, turn North into Riverwood opposite 
The Credit Woodlands; park near McEwan barn or Pergola.

Directions to UTM:  From Burnhamthorpe Rd West, Turn South on Mississauga Rd to 
Outer Circle rd, turn Left into UTM; Principal residence is 300 m ahead on the 
left. Beware of parking infringements!!

Luc Fazio
PS: some of the Videos are from spring birds in southern Mississauga, at 
Rhododendron  Garden and Rattray Marsh

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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