Today the continuing Western Sandpiper, along with 8 Dunlin, was seen at the 
Blenheim Sewage Lagoons in the very last pond to the right as you walk in to 
the lagoons.

Also, the Red-necked Phalarope reported yesterday was seen again today in the 
Shorebird Cell.  It was observed from the covered blind to the very left as you 
are looking out on the water associating with Northern Shovelers and Mallards.  
A scope is essential in viewing this bird.  Also seen in the onion fields was a 
mixed flock of blackbirds consisting of Rusty and Red-winged Blackbirds, 
Brown-headed Cowbirds and Common Grackles.  A lone Snow Goose was also observed 
flying towards the marsh.

Good Birding

Chris and Anna Street


Blenheim Sewage Lagoons

The sewage lagoons are located 1 km west of the town of Blenheim along Hwy 
3-Talbot Trail.  Turn right on Lagoon Rd. and travel 1/2 km north until you 
reach the locked gate.  A permit is required and can be acquired for free by 
contacting Candy McGuigan at<>

Hillman Marsh Conservation Area
Exit the 401 at Highway 77, turn left (South) into Leamington. Highway 77 turns 
into Erie St.
Follow Erie St 2 km down to Oak St.   Turn left (East) on Oak St (it turns into 
Rd 2),
follow it (approximately 7 km) to its end directly to the front entrance of 
Hillman Marsh.


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