Greetings Birders,

The Western Tanager at Rattray Marsh Conservation Area, originally found on 
Sunday by Samreen Munim and confirmed by Reuven Martin, was still present 
today. It was still basically in the same general area as it was reported 
occupying on Sunday and Monday. See details below.

Between 3:10 and 4:00 pm today, I was part of a group of five birders following 
the Tanager as it flitted about and appeared to feed in the warm sunshine high 
in trees along the upper trail. While it actively moved about, the bird rested 
occasionally and allowed clear views of its plumage, including the greenish 
body colour, the prominent white wing bars on darkish (but not quite blackish) 
wings, the light-coloured bill, and some dark streaking on a greenish back. 
There were no traces of any orange-red tinge around the face.

As per original directions, Rattray Marsh is at the foot of Bexhill Road in 
Mississauga. Bexhill is half way between Mississauga Road and Southdown Road 
and runs south from Lakeshore Blvd. Parking is easiest on Gatehouse Drive, 
which is a quick left from Bexhill at its end point. Walk into the Conservation 
Area down to the junction with the main trail. Turn right. Walk about 100 
metres to the first small trail on the right. Take that trail to a short 
boardwalk. Watch for Western Tanager in this area, especially on the right, up 
the hill towards the houses. Patience is required: The bird blends into the 
leaf colour of most of the trees it roosts in.

Good Birding,
Bruce Kirkland

Cell: 647-335-7707

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