Some 30 observers disregarded heavy rain warnings to join this new entrant into 
the list of OFO excursions. Despite the forecast the day dawned clear and 
started well with good views of flocks of White-winged Scoters, Brant, and 
three Snow Geese migrating along the Ottawa River. The hoped for Nelson's 
Sparrows proved elusive; in fact there were very few sparrows whatsoever and 
the extensive marshes flanking the river were virtually empty of birds. One 
exception was an Orange-crowned Warbler, a lifer for some, and a nearby field 
held a pair of Sandhill Crane. The rain, which arrived in the late morning, 
turned into a visibility killing deluge when we reached Lac Dore. After an hour 
it let up and we were able to scan the lake, tallying over 100 Common Loons, 
another flock of White-winged Scoter, some obliging Surf Scoters, and good 
numbers of Bonaparte's Gull, Horned Grebe and Red-necked Grebe, along with one 
immature Common Tern, and, in a lakeside park, a continuing Northern Mockingb
 ird. Despite the rain the troop enjoyed the beautiful autumnal foliage, and 
exploring two excellent birding sites that were new to many.                    
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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