     A surprise greeted 6 birders from North Bay recently when they heard
the distinctive call of one (or more) Yellow Rails.
    They were seeking Sedge Wrens or possible Leconte Sparrows near
Astorville, Ont. when the Rail call was heard. This was between 8:45 and
9:00PM. After 9:15 the mosquitoes there are overwhelmingly bad.
    This was on the north side of River Road, a dirt road, about half way
between Alderdale Road and Astorville Road. The latter two go north-south;
River Road east-west at the significant point.
    The specific spot is just to the east of a small streamlet which goes
under the road via culvert, within a wet, high grass field, not tended by
the nearby farmer, nor used by his cows. Across the road (to the south) is
another farm with the number 225  marking his entrance way about 50 yards to
the west . 
    To get to River Road, if coming from the south, go east from Powassan
town (after traveling along highway #11 north). Go about 4 miles to
Alderdale road, thence north along it about 2 more miles until the
intersection with River Road (when you go east).
    If coming from the east, turn south off highway 17 along highway 94
about 5 miles prior to North Bay. Keep going due south until you reach Lake
Nosbonsing. (You will have turned off Hwy 94 when it veers westerly). Follow
it westerly after reaching the lake, and then southerly, towards Astorville.
This is on the westernmost part of that lake.
Keep going south past that village about 2 miles until you reach the
intersection with River Road. Then go right (west) to the pertinent spot.
    If coming from the west or north, go east of North Bay along highway 17
to Highway 94 as just described.
    The bird(s) call can be heard through the web page of Brent Turcotte at
    The bird(s) were still there calling as of this evening. Good luck!
        Dick Tafel  705 472-7907
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birding organization.
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