The American Woodcock Singing-ground Survey (AWSGS) monitors the size of 
American Woodcock breeding populations in North America.  The data collected is 
a key tool used to guide federal, state and provincial American Woodcock 

Each year, Ontario participants donate one spring evening, between April 20 and 
May 20, to survey a roadside route.  During a survey, route runners follow a 
standard protocol stopping for 2 minutes at pre-assigned route points and 
counting all American Woodcocks seen or heard.  Route runners must ensure they 
survey within a very tight survey window and must enter the data online 

Bird Studies Canada has available routes to assign.  If interested in 
surveying, please visit the online route 
map<>  and 
review available routes (red markers),  To register, contact Kathy Jones 
(<>) identifying your 
interest and your preferred route choices.

The American Woodcock Singing Ground Survey is a USFWS program, delivered in 
Ontario in partnership with Bird Studies Canada, Environment Canada, and 
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.

This message is being distributed with the permission of the Ontbirds 

Kathy Jones
Ontario Volunteer Coordinator
(Canadian Lakes Loon Survey)
Bird Studies Canada
P.O. Box 160
Port Rowan, ON
N0E 1M0<>
Toll Free 1-888-448-2473 ext. 124
[cid:image002.gif@01CD0D94.17677730] <!/BSCOnt> Visit 
Ontario Swiftwach on Facebook<>

>From time to time, BSC may send you information regarding our programs, 
>special issues, membership, and other correspondence. If you would prefer not 
>to receive this information, please contact us by mail at the address above or 
>e-mail<>. Thank you.
Au cours de l'année, Études d'Oiseaux Canada envoie de la documentation 
concernant ses programmes, ses activités ou autres. Si vous désirez ne pas 
recevoir cette information, faites-nous parvenir un message par la poste ou par 
courrier électronique à<>.

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
For information about ONTBIRDS visit

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