The Ganatchio Trail and Little River area in east Windsor continue to be productive. Today's highlights included an Acadian Flycatcher along the oxbow (thanks David McNorton for that term) and a preening Olive-sided Flycatcher near the toboggan hill, showing off his white tufts. Also saw a Black-billed Cuckoo, a migrant only occasionally found here.

It seems I've been getting Acadian Flycatcher here every second spring, so it's probably a species to be expected, albeit just singletons.

Local birders not subscribed to ONTBIRDS have indicated that I've been missing good warblers lately, including Prothonotary (a beautiful male was photographed by Dan Ray), Cerulean, and Hooded. I expect Connecticut any day.

The Cave Swallow I reported last Thursday was confirmed the following day by a birder who chose not to post on ONTBIRDS (why not?). I have not seen it since, but I've been concentrating on passerines. No luck relocating the Chuck-will's-widow.

Good birding!         Randy Horvath, Windsor

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