I would like to invite each and every one of you to Gateway to Nature, the
74th Annual Ontario Nature Conference & Nature Canada Annual General
Meeting, hosted by the Nipissing Naturalist Club at Nipissing University,
North Bay, June 3-5.

In addition to the informative sessions featuring provincial and regional
environmental experts, there are 18 field trips offering participants
options for hiking, biking and paddling as a means to get out and see the
region's forests, wetlands, lakes and rivers.  Popular spots will include
Temagami, Lake Nipissing, Cache Bay, the Mattawa River, South River and the
Old Nipissing Road.

Many of the trips will offer some exciting birding opportunities:
You were wondering about Swainson's Thrush?  Lots of them sing in wooded
areas near North Bay. Also, Wood Thrush, Hermit and Veery.
What about Black Terns? Cache Bay just west of North Bay is hosting lots of
them at this moment, and they can be readily observed from shore.
Did you know that four White Pelicans were within the rocky islands of
northern Lake Nipissing just a few days ago?   Bald Eagles nest in the same
area, with Osprey not too far in the distant.
Wood warblers? Within Laurier Woods some 24 species are regularly seen each
spring. These woods are but 5 minutes from downtown.
Upland Sandpipers? A pair is already answering one another (or visiting
birders) just a few minutes from the city.
Boreal Chickadees? - This bird can be often located within
Marten River Provincial Park - a site of one of the
field trips heading out Sunday morning.
Black-backed Woodpeckers? Findable at various local locations.
Scarlet Tanagers? They nest in the big trees surrounding the city.
Sewage lagoons? - There are 5 of them within 40 miles. All are open to
visitors! Redhead Ducks, Gadwall, Shovelers, Ruddy Ducks are some of the
species readily observed in these neat spots.
...or what about shorebirds? A couple of the drained lagoons will have the
common ones and very likely have Semi-pal Plovers, Solitary Sandpipers and
others stopping over during their journey further north.
Bonaparte Gulls? In beautiful summer plumage, they should be readily
observed, along with Common and Caspian Terns near the shores of lovely Lake

Over 250 species of birds are seeable annually within the North Bay area.

Join us Friday, June 3rd through Sunday, June 5th, scout out some rare bird
finds, and have fun exploring exciting Near North destinations.  For more
complete details on the Gateway to Nature conference and its field trips
check out the website:


                Dick Tafel, Conference Chairman - North Bay

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