Thanks to George Pond, at 12:30 P.M. today, we found the pair of
Black-Necked Stilt at the Jarvis Sewage Lagoons.

They were first reported at  the Townsend Lagoons this morning, but by the
time we arrived they had flown in the direction of  the Jarvis Lagoons.  The
Eared Grebe  was still at Townsend.

Directions:    Follow Highway #6 South from Hamilton to Jarvis.   Turn left
at stoplight at #3 Highway (Talbot Street) and  then right (south) at
Walpole Street.   Follow Walpole past the car wash straight ahead with no
turns until the gravel ends.    The birds were in the very last cell to the
south.  Don't climb the fence as you might flush the  birds.   Park and walk
south on the muddy, grassy road and view the birds from your side of the

Good luck.                       Dennis & Gwen Lewington      and      Carl

Dennis & Gwen Lewington
Stoney Creek, Ontario

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