I did an east-west sweep of four birding spots between Aurora and Beeton (north 
of Toronto) this morning and found several interesting migrants.
  I started at the MacKenzie Marsh in Aurora and observed 3 Pied-Billed Grebes, 
  3 Black-crowned Night Herons, 4 GB Herons, a dozen DC Cormorants, and two 
Caspian Terns.
  At the Holland Landing lagoons north of Newmarket, shorebirds are still 
making a healthy showing with at least 500 birds of 12 species being present.  
Best bird continues to be an AMERICAN AVOCET that has lingered there for about 
a week now.   Anna Russell e-mailed me to say she had observed two Avocets 
Saturday morning, one in the first lagoon and another in the 4th.  The 
individual in the 4th lagoon was there yesterday evening and this morning, but 
the second bird has not been rediscovered.  There are still two juvenile 
SHORT-BILLED DOWITCHERS and at least four STILT SANDPIPERS at these lagoons.  
Duck species include Mallard, Wood, Black, N. Shoveler and both teal.  There 
were about 200 Bonaparte's gulls and 400 swallows there yesterday and today.
  The Schomberg lagoons have been much lighter in shorebird numbers: today 
there were no more than 70 birds in total, but these included one Greater 
Yellowlegs, two Stilt Sandpipers, and ten Semipalmated Plovers.  The first two 
lagoons at Schomberg have very high water levels with virtually no shorebird 
habitat while the 3rd lagoon is almost completely dry.  There was a 
female/juvenile MERLIN (brown vs. the adult male's blue-grey) perched at the 
top of one of the trees on the north side of the lagoons today at 10:30.
  A little further north and west, I checked the Beeton sod farms that Dave 
Milsom has often had good results at during fall migration.  On the 10th Line 
just west of 15th Sdrd. there were hundreds of gulls and at least 150 Killdeer, 
but among this common rabble there were a few more interesting species: 6 
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS in various stages of molt, ten Lesser yellowlegs, and one 
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER.  There was also a handsome male American Kestrel on 
the roadside wires.
  Since there are four different locations mentioned here, I will not include a 
big long Directions appendix here.  Please contact me if you'd like specific 
directions to any of these places.
  Ron Fleming, Newmarket
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Sep  3 16:30:46 2006
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   A Merliin  [I  though  it was a swallow at first] with uniformly black
   topsides, not-so dark
   underside  with dark reddish-brown lower belly [dark morph I assume as
   it is probably
   too  far  east  to  be seeing one of the western sub-species], circled
   Reesor three times
   at  top speed this afternoon taking a turn at a swallow but missing it
   - interesting bird.
       Three  flocks  of  juvenile  Lesser yellow-legs totalling over 150
   birds stopped a short
   time  yesterday  along with a few peeps. Today there were more, also a
   flock of eleven
   White-rumped  sandpers  plus a Great egret that shows up now and then.
   ducks,  Green-winged teal and a pair of Hooded mergansers were present
   today. As
   usual,  favourable  winds  and dirty weather is driving this stream of

   Reesor Pond lies just North of Hwy 407 on the West side of Reesor Road
   in Markham
   - cheers - Stan Long
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Sun Sep  3 16:53:30 2006
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To: Ontbirds <Ontbirds@hwcn.org>
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Date: Sun, 3 Sep 2006 16:53:50 -0400
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Subject: [Ontbirds]Pomarine Jaeger at Chub Pt., Northumberland Co.
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At 10.00 a.m. this morning a light adult Pomarine Jaeger flew east past 
Chub Point.

Chub Point is on L. Ontario, at the south end of Station Rd., which 
runs south from the centre of the village of Grafton on County Road 2. 
The 401 Grafton exit is the first east of Cobourg.

Clive Goodwin
Cobourg, Ont. 

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