Just a follow to Lynn Hardy's report from April 6th about a leucistic (partial albino) Robin she found in the west end of Ottawa. Took a drive up there just before noon today and easily relocated the leucistic Robin feeding on the grass along Parkway road along with many other Robins and Starlings. I got very close up looks at the leucistic Robin from inside my car. Posted speed limit is 40 km/h with "No Parking" signs. If the bird is around it can be easily spotted due to its patchy white colouring. After awhile it disappeared (drove up and down Parkway a few times looking for it) but was found again later just around the corner on Leacock in the wooded area of the park. It then came out again to feed along the grassy area.

Photo of leucistic Robin.

Ottawa, Ontario.

Directions courtesy of Lynn Hardy:
"From Ottawa, exit off the 417 west at Eagleson-March Road, continue one block on Campeau and turn right at the lights (Russian Orthodox Church on the left) to Teron. Drive one block to the lights and turn left at The Parkway. (Post Office on corner) Beyond the Earl of March High School, near the corner of The Parkway and Leacock, the bird was first seen. Near dusk, he was around the corner on Leacock digging for worms like a normal robin should."

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