On Sunday afternoon Kim and I enjoyed a 3 hour kayak at Luther
Marsh/Lake.  Here are some of the bird highlights:
- Bald Eagle (1 adult)
- Osprey (4 - all seemed to be associated with one nest)
- Norther Harrier (1)
- Great Egrets (5)
- Black-crowned Night Herons (2)
- Common Loon (2 pairs)
- Caspian Terns (approx. 30)
- Black Terns (2)
- Bonaparte's Gull (1)
- Pied-billed Grebes (lots!)

Luther Marsh/Lake is located north of Rd 109 approx. half way between
Arthur and Orangeville.  From Rd 109 go north on Sideroad 24-25. Turn
left (west) onto Concession 8-9. Turn right (north) where this
Concession ends at Sideroad 21-22 and the entrance to Luther Marsh will
be on your left approx. 500 m.

Glenn Barrett
Hamilton, Ontario

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