The whimbrel posted yesterday at the Tollgate Ponds was not seen today at
12:30 by myself or 2 other birders who'd been there for awhile. However, the
Wilson's Plover is still there. If you don't see it immediately it may be
grooming itself for the next photographer behind the long low rocks on the
left near the back of the pond.

Directions from Toronto: 

Take QEW to QEW Niagara. At the exit to QEW Niagara you will see a sign for
Eastport Drive. Get onto Eastport Drive and it will wind its way around and
over the Burlington Lift Bridge. Continue to follow Eastport Drive past the
first Tollgate Pond (large square pond on right) and just east of this there
will be a muddy area where they are filling in the pond that was there. The
bird is running around on the mud in this area. Good views with a scope but
can be seen with binoculars.

Directions from Niagara:

Take QEW Niagara to Centennial Drive. Get off at Centennial and go north to
lake. Turn left at the lights and follow Van Wagners Beach Road past Hutch's
Restaurant to a set of lights. At the lights, turn left (Beach Blvd) and
follow to Eastport Drive . You will see signs for Eastport Drive, it is a
right turn not too long after you get on Beach. Continue along Eastport
Drive. The muddy area which it is located on the left just before the large
square pond.

Jeanne Halet Syms
Burlington, ON

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