Hi all,

In addition to the Yellow-throated Warbler I observed yesterday morning (April 19) with my son at 17 North Hills Terrace, Don Mills, I also observed a single Bohemian Waxwing at 78 North Hills Terrace. It, along with about 17 Cedar Waxwings, appeared to be sipping on sap oozing out of a birth tree. I observed this same behaviour again this morning, along with the Bohemian. The birds were not always present but could be heard calling from other nearby residences.

We then went to the Sunnybrook/Wilket Creek Park system (yesterday) where we observed a single Red-necked Grebe in the large wetland behind the Ontario Science Centre. I must admit this was quite a surprise. I don't recall seeing this species in such a small inland body of water. Also present were at least 4 Hooded Mergansers and 5 Double-crested Cormorants. Canada Geese were already on nests and a few Midland Painted Turtles were observed sunning themselves along the margins. Also present were several Tree Swallows, Belted Kingfisher and what was likely a Mink. In the adjacent conifer patch, a Yellow- rumped Warbler and Ruby-crowned Kinglet could be heard singing. I was also somewhat surprised not to hear any Chorus Frogs calling. At least in the past (10+ years ago), they used to be resident. I return visit last night also didn't produce any calling although the loud music from the rave didn't help matters. I hope their not gone for good.

Behind Sunnybrook Hospital a migrant/resident Pine Warbler sang.

As for the Yellow-throated Warbler, I cannot say what subspecies it was. I didn't even have my binoculars with me! I'm also assuming it was a male but I can't be certain. I looked for it briefly this morning but found nothing.


Karl Konze
Guelph, Ontario

PS. Thanks Hugh for posting my observation!

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