Rondeau Bird Report – Monday May 19, 2008

Good morning birders.

Our warbler total for this morning was 22 species, including Cerulean, 
Worm-eating and Prothonotary.  There were 2 Ceruleans – a male at Bennett Road 
and a female at the Maintenance Loop.  Both of these birds were in the same 
area yesterday.  The Worm-eating was still in its usual haunt, on Spicebush, 
where it has been lurking quietly since May 10.  Other warblers included a 
Blue-winged at the Pony Barn, an Orange-crowned on Harrison Trail, and a 
Blackpoll at South Point Trail.  The best trails today were South Point and the 
Pony Barn.

Nonpasserines were noteworthy.  In the marsh, observers saw an impressive 5 
American White Pelicans yesterday.  On the beach at South Point, there were 
both Dunlin and Ruddy Turnstones today.

Near the park, good birds were reported from Bates Pond, just outside the main 
gate.  Five Semipalmated Plovers were there this morning, along with a Sandhill 
Crane.  A female Red-necked Phalarope was found there yesterday at ~3 pm.  Also 
present yesterday were ~50 Dunlin, 4 Short-billed Dowitcher, a Least Sandpiper 
and a Sora in full view.  While checking unsuccessfully for the phalarope in 
the late afternoon, I saw a Peregrine Falcon swoop through.  It seems that this 
bird was present in the park area for most of the day yesterday.

My last hike of the season will be at 1:00 pm today.  I would like to thank the 
Friends of Rondeau for this wonderful opportunity for birding at one of 
Ontario’s best hotspots.  The Friends and the park staff have all been very 
hospitable to Carolyn and I during our visit.  A final thanks to the park 
birders for all of their support, for adding records to the Bird Sightings Book 
and the Sightings Boards.

See you in May 2009!

Good birding.

Steve LaForest
Friends of Rondeau Bird Guide
c/o Rondeau Visitor Centre (519) 674-1768


To reach Rondeau PP, take exit 101 from Highway 401 and drive South 16 km on 
Chatham Kent Road 15. Follow the signs to the park. The Bird Sightings Book, 
Bird Sightings Board and other relevant information are located at the Visitor 
Centre (open 7 am to 5 p m from May 3 - 19). To reach the Centre from the park 
gate, travel 6 km South on Rondeau Road to Gardiner Ave. and follow it around 
the bend to the parking lot.

For Bates Pond at Kent Bridge Road and Rondeau Road - from the park gate, drive 
~1 km north to Kent Bridge Road.  The pond is on the northeast corner of this 
intersection.  Please take care to park safely, as this is a busy road with 
very narrow shoulders.

We have received reports that the Blenheim Sewage Lagoons are once more 
inaccessible, as of Sunday May 18.  Apparently, the gate is now locked with a 
padlock, so that even birders with a permit and the correct combination for the 
combination lock cannot get in.

Try Chicktionary, a game that tests how many words you can form from the 
letters given. Find this and more puzzles at Live Search Games!
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