Hi OntBirders:
The tame Ruffed Grouse continues to show. Early morning is the best time to see it at the corner of Hilda and Lois (Shirley's Bay area). When I arrived there later in the morning, 8-10 photographers were already there taking photos of the Ruffed Grouse (since 8am from what I was told and it was still there at 9:30am). Mornings seem to be the most reliable for seeing the Grouse these days. A Hoary Redpoll continues to be seen with great frequency at the Hilda Road Feeder. It associates with a small flock of Common Redpolls. Some there claim to have seen more than one Hoary at the feeder. A Merlin put on quite the show at the Hilda Road feeders late morning today. It was in the vicinity of the Hilda Road feeders for well over 30 minutes flying to different perches. At one point it was perched low and offered great views. See photo. It was last seen chasing after what looked like a Mourning Dove. In addition to the above, various woodpeckesr came to check out the feeders including a 2 Pileated.

Very tame Ruffed Grouse.


Pileated in flight

Photo of a Hoary Redpoll from past days

W. Hum

Directions to Shirley's Bay area (Rifle Road, Hild Road feeders) courtesy
http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/orwo21.htm

Going west on Carling Avenue. Go past Andrew Haydon Park, past Moodie Drive and past where Carling narrows to one lane each way. At the large sign (Rifle Range) turn right onto Rifle Road. Continue along Rifle Road to almost the end and turn right on Lois. Continue on Lois and turn onto Hilda to the feeders.

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