It was too nice a day to stay home so we drove from Ottawa down to the
Seaway Valley.


We were treated to a spectacular sight  as we drove Hwy #2 from Morrisburg
to Lancaster.


We stopped at the Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary to see what was there. A few
Canada Geese were around but not much else. At noon skeins of geese started
appearing from the west, at first they were Canada geese, then many, many
skeins, large and small, of snow geese appeared high in the sky about a mile
or two to south, over the St Lawrence River. There were a few individual
Canada Geese mixed in with the snow geese.


We then drove to the Long Sault Parkway on our way to Coopers’ Marsh.


As we arrived at Phillipot Island we saw an ice floe covered with snow geese
about 100-150 yards off shore. The racket made a gull colony sound almost
quiet by comparison. Depending on your assumptions as to the size of the ice
floe, and the density of the geese on the ice floe, the estimate was about
3-5,000 snow geese (±).


The floe drifted with the current so we moved to MacDonnell Island to get
closer. The cacophony of the geese rose to the sound of a jet engine three
times. Each time, every single one of the geese lifted off the floe almost
in unison and the entire “flock” did a ballet in the sky for about 5-10
minutes before settling back down on the ice floe. The first time, the
flight swooped down over us, about 100-150 feet over our heads almost
obliterating the sky, leaving many “calling cards”.


There were about 5-6 people fortunate to have been there at the right time.
One of them said it reminded him of a National Geographic movie.


We then went on to Cooper’s Marsh where there were plenty of Red-winged
Blackbirds and 5 Canada Geese, two of which had apparently staked out
nesting territory in amongst the slush covered marsh.


On our way back to Ottawa at 5pm, the snow geese had formed into loose
skeins and were flying overhead just west of Cooper’s Marsh.




Hwy #2 east from Morrisburg past Upper Canada Village to the Upper Canada
Bird Sanctuary. Long Sault Parkway starts just east of Ingleside off Highway
#2. Coopers’ Marsh is on highway #2 just west of Lancaster, East of



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