Happy New Year to all.

The Band-tailed Pigeon was seen today at 11:40a.m. in the roost trees to the
west of 116 Lynngate.

This sighting brings a measure of relief.  Yesterday it was reported that
the pigeon was perched in one of the trees around the feeders when a
Cooper's Hawk came in and struck it about 9:25.  Feathers flew and so did
the pigeon, back to its roosting trees.  At 9:35 the Cooper's flew off when
another birder arrived on the scene.  The Cooper's did not pursue the pigeon
but the pigeon was not seen again for the rest of the day.

When we saw the bird today, it appeared none the worse for its encounter.
The yard had been watched from at least 9:00 am this morning without an
appearance, so perhaps the pigeon is being more cautious.  The Cooper's Hawk
flew through the yards at least twice this morning.

Hugh Casbourn

Directions to access the area...

If from Toronto...come west on 401, and take the 402 towards Sarnia, exiting
very soon at the Wonderland exit (100) to London, and head north. About
3-4km north on Wonderland is the Westmount Mall, a large sprawling mall on
the west side of the road. Keep going north just past the mall to a
streetlight indicating Village Green Avenue (one light before  Commissioners
Road). Turn left, to the west and proceed for about 5 streets, some from
left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate PLACE (Pl). There is also a
Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park on this quiet street. Park on
the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk up Lynngate Place to number
120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk up the driveway of the
nextdoor neighbour's house, #116, along the stone path to the large patio,
at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself behind the tarp "blind"
and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OUT OF YARDS.

Coming from west, come east on 401 to Highway 4, and head north to the 402,
then east to Wonderland exit (100), turning north . About 3-4km north on
Wonderland is the Westmount Mall, a large sprawling mall. Keep going north
just past the mall to a streetlight indicating Village Green Avenue(one
light before Commissioners road). Turn left, to the west and proceed for
about 5 streets, some from left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate
PLACE (Pl). There is also a Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park
on this quiet street. Park on the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk
up Lynngate Place to number 120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk
up the driveway of the nextdoor neighbour's house, #116, along the stone
path to the large patio, at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself
behind the tarp "blind" and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OUT

>From London, Village Green is one light south of intersection of
Commissioners and Wonderland. Turn left, to the west and proceed for about 5
streets, some from left, some from right, till you get to Lynngate PLACE
(Pl). There is also a Lynngate Ct but don't go up there. Do not park on this
quiet street. Park on the north(right) side of Village Green. Walk up
Lynngate Place to number 120. Go to the RIGHT side of the house, and walk up
the driveway of the nextdoor neighbour's house, along the stone path to the
large patio, at the back of that house. Try to shield yourself behind the
tarp "blind" and the bird will be less skittish.  PLEASE STAY OUT OF YARDS

"Hugh Casbourn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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