Despite the rather horrid winter conditions in southern Ontario, there is
actually some migration taking place here at Point Pelee.

In chronological order, here are the migrants recorded thus far:


Horned Lark (8) at NW Hillman Marsh (Alan Wormington)
-- all were adult males, and all were the expected "Prairie" subspecies;
surprisingly the species did not over-winter at Point Pelee.


Tundra Swan (47) at NE Hillman Marsh (Dean J. Ware)
-- several subsequent sightings of smaller groups.


All winter, with Lake Erie mostly frozen, it was difficult to find but a
single gull or diving duck of any species.  However, on February 14 there
was an irruption of migrants due to temps reaching the 60s reaching north
to Indiana and southern Ohio, etc.  Observations  listed below as
"Hillman Marsh" refer to birds along the Lake Erie shoreline near that

Canada Goose (1400) at Hillman Marsh (Alan Wormington)
-- several had neck-band numbers that were new (compared to those amongst
the 510 birds that wintered in the area).

American Black Duck (8) at Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- in (4) distinct pairs.

Northern Shoveler (1 - adult male in high plumage) at Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- surprisingly not record-early (missed by a day), but probably more
exceptional considering the winter conditions.

Canvasback (6) at Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- three pairs

Redhead (8) at Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- males and females

White-winged Scoter (3) at Hillman Marsh (AW)

Common Goldeneye (400) Wheatley Harbour to Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- very few birds all winter

Common Merganser (4000) Wheatley Harbour to Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- very few birds all winter

Ring-billed Gull (240 adults) Wheatley Harbour to Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- previously NONE in the area

Herring Gull (80 adults) Wheatley Harbour to Hillman Marsh (AW)
-- very few all winter.

Alan Wormington,

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