Response to email from Anthony Towns sent on 20210918 at 11:37:40 UTC

Thanks for taking the time to go through my paper on inherited IDs (IIDs). 
Also, thanks for your concise and accurate description of the IID proposal and 
the 2Stage channel protocol. I'm glad you feel the 2Stage protocol might be 
better than eltoo for a two-party channel.

I want to address other parts of the paper that were obviously not as clear, as 
they led to two important misunderstandings.

First, there is the issue of the use of an operator in the "timeout trees", 
"update-forest" and "challenge-and-response" factory protocols. While those 
protocols do include a party that is designated as the "operator", the operator 
is in no way a trusted party. While it's true that one would prefer an operator 
that follows the protocol fully and promptly, as that would allow one to keep 
the protocol off-chain, the operator can never take funds or prevent others 
from obtaining the funds that are due to them. In fact, this is exactly 
analogous to the selection of the party with whom one shares a two-party 
lightning channel. If one views lightning as being trust-free, then one will 
also view "timeout trees", "update-forest" and "challenge-and-response" to be 

Second, there is the question of whether or not IIDs can be simulated with 
anyprevout. I don't believe that they can. Consider for example the case where 
Alice has an on-chain funding transaction F1 with output F1:0 that will be 
spent by a (currently off-chain) transaction F2 with output F2:0 that will be 
spent by a settlement transaction S. Assume further that there is an on-chain 
control transaction C1 with output C1:0 owned by untrusted operator O, where 
C1:0 will be spent by a (currently off-chain) transaction C2 with output C2:0 
that may, in certain cases, also be spent by S. In particular, assume F1 puts a 
covenant on F2 such that F2 puts a covenant on S, where the covenant on S can 
be met by either: A) waiting a CSV delay of one time unit (defined to be long 
enough to allow a party with a competing transaction to put that competing 
transaction on-chain first) and then spending only F2:0 (where F2:0 is 
referenced via IID) and giving ownership of S:0 to Alice, or B) waiting until a 
CLV reaches time T_lock and then spending both F2:0 and C2:0 (where F2:0 and 
C2:0 are referenced via IIDs).

Assume that after Alice put F1 on-chain she wants to transfer ownership of the 
output S:0 to Bob without having to put F2 or S on-chain. She can do this with 
IIDs as follows. First, Alice asks the untrusted operator O to put C2 on-chain 
where C2 puts a covenant on S that forces S to spend both F2:0 and C2:0 (where 
F2:0 and C2:0 are referenced via IIDs) and to give ownership of S:0 to Bob (by 
making it spendable using Bob's public key).

There are two cases. First, if O promptly puts the desired C2 on-chain, then 
Alice and Bob can wait until T_lock (while putting nothing else on-chain), at 
which point Bob can be assured that he owns S:0 (as any attempt by Alice to 
spend S:0 by meetiing the covenant using case A above can be thwarted by Bob 
putting S on-chain first using case B above). Second, if O puts a different C2 
on-chain, or fails to put any C2 on-chain promptly, Alice can reclaim her funds 
by putting F2 on-chain, waiting one time window, and then putting S on-chain 
using case A above.

Thus, IIDs provide a trust-free means for Alice to transfer funds from F1 to a 
party that is unknown to Alice when she puts F1 on-chain. I see two problems in 
tryinig to use anyprevout to achieve the same result. First, I don't know of 
any mechanism by which Alice can create a covenant that F2 puts on S which 
implements case B above. In some other settings, I can understand how one could 
use unique single-use keys in place of IID outputs. However, in this setting I 
don't see how to define a covenant that F2 puts on S that in case B forces the 
other input to spend C2:0, as signatures that are evaluated in spending F2:0 
don't commit to the output scripts of other inputs to S. Second, and more 
fundamentally, even if one could define a covenant that F2 puts on S in case B 
forcing the other input to be signed by a single-use key owned by O, that still 
wouldn't unconditionally transfer ownership to Bob (without putting F2 and S 
on-chain). That's because in order to have single-use keys play the role of 
IIDs, they have to truly be single-use and there is no way Bob can know that O 
won't just sign some other S' that competes with S and sends S':0 to O, thus 
stealing the funds. Please let me know if I've missed something here.

The example above isn't very useful, as it doesn't cut down on the number of 
on-chain transactions required to transfer ownership from Alice to Bob. 
However, it does capture the core functionality that IIDs provide that (I 
believe) anyprevout does not provide. This functionality is exactly what 
enables "update-forest" and "challenge-and-response" to allow a single on-chain 
transaction to transfer ownership of thousands or millions of channels in a 
trust-free manner, thus accomplishing with one on-chain transaction what would 
have required thousands or millions of anyprevout transactions (at least as far 
as I can tell). This is exactly the power of IIDs that I was referring to, and 
I found surprising that this power was actually the result of restricting how a 
signed transaction can be used (as compared to a signed transaction that uses 

I hope clearing up these two misunderstandings is enough to pique your interest 
in reading the "timeout trees", "update-forest" and "challenge-and-response" 
protocols in more detail, as I'd be interested in your expert opinion on them.

My remaining comments are minor compared to the previous ones.
* Regarding the worst-case delay for eltoo-2party vs. 2Stage, I agree that 
there is no single agreed upon model for analyzing this and opinions may 
differ. In any case, I think that if one had a nearly-expired HTLC (or if one 
is setting the lock time for an HTLC) and one could choose between 
eltoo-2party, where the other party could have thousands or millions of 
transactions competing with your settlement transaction, and 2Stage, where the 
other party can have at most one competing transaction, some would prefer 
* In comparing eltoo-2party and 2Stage, I was surprised that you didn't 
consider 2Stage's elimination of watchtowers for one or both parties as being 
an advantage. I had through that would be a big win in practice.
* Regarding footnote 13's description of OP_CODESEPARATOR, I realize that that 
footnote does not capture the change made in taproot. I addressed that issue on 
p. 54 (and explained it in footnote 43), as footnote 13 was designed to explain 
OP_CODESEPARATOR to those not already familiar with it, while p. 54 was 
designed for the experts.
* Regarding the new address type for floating transactions mentioned in the 
paper, thanks for the correction. I'll remove this from the next version.

In summary, the paper shows that:
1) IIDs can be used to eliminate watchtowers for one or both parties in a 
two-party channel (2Stage),
2) IIDs can be used to create factories that allow very large numbers of new 
users to obtain bitcoin in a watchtower-free and trust-free manner (timeout 
3) IIDs support trust-free factories with unbounded numbers of parties (and 
channels) that allow the channels to be bought and sold by anyone, including 
parties not originally in the factory, with a single on-chain transaction, and
4) IIDs achieve these results while using a more constrained, and thus safer, 
change to Bitcoin than the support for floating transactions.

Are these results of interest?


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