Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal for P2P Wireless (Bluetooth LE) transfer of Payment URI

2015-02-05 Thread Mike Hearn
For a BIP standard, I think we should skip bitcoin: URIs entirely and publish BIP70 payment requests instead. Agreed - it's not clear to me at all that this partial address scheme is actually secure. The assumption appears to be that the MITM must match the address prefix generated by the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal for P2P Wireless (Bluetooth LE) transfer of Payment URI

2015-02-05 Thread Mike Hearn
This sounds horrible. You could basically monitor anyone with a wallet in a highly populated area and track them super easily by doing facial recognition. We're talking about BLE, still? The radio tech that runs in the so called junk bands because propagation is so poor? My watch loses its

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal for P2P Wireless (Bluetooth LE) transfer of Payment URI

2015-02-05 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm imagining myself walking around broadcasting my photo and MAC address while hucksters push payment requests to me for approval I hate to break it to you, but you broadcast a photo of your face every time you walk outside ;) Bluetooth MAC addresses are random, they aren't useful

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal for P2P Wireless (Bluetooth LE) transfer of Payment URI

2015-02-05 Thread Mike Hearn
Even if a user could get the BIP70 URL in the URI, they would still need internet to access the URL. The way Bitcoin Wallet does it, the bitcoin URI includes a MAC address where you can download the request from. BIP70 does not depend on internet access or HTTP, plus, you don't have to sign

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Subject: Re: Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-03 Thread Mike Hearn
TREZOR like devices with BIP70 support and third party cosigning services are a solution I really like the sound of. I suppose though that adding BIP70 request signature validation and adding certificate revocation support starts to balloon the scope of what is supposed to be a very simple

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-02 Thread Mike Hearn
Do you have anything that is NOT some web application? Bitcoin Authenticator is a desktop app+mobile app pair. It pairs with your phone over wifi, cloud push, maybe Bluetooth as well. I forget exactly. It's done in the same way as Lighthouse, so it runs Win/Mac/Linux on desktop and Android on

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-02 Thread Mike Hearn
In sending the first-signed transaction to another for second signature, how does the first signer authenticate to the second without compromising the independence of the two factors? Not sure what you mean. The idea is the second factor displays the transaction and the user confirms it

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-01 Thread Mike Hearn
I see how BIP 70 verifies the payment request, however, is there any way to verify that the transaction signed by the wallet matches the request before it is sent to the blockchain (and how can this support out of band verification)? No. It cannot be done in the Bitcoin context. Your wallet

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal to address Bitcoin malware

2015-02-01 Thread Mike Hearn
TREZOR does not support BIP70. I think they planned to work on it after multi-sig support, which is now done, so I'm hoping that it's next on their roadmap. The signing features of BIP70 have (fortunately!) been implemented by payment processors quite early, before we really have the client side

Re: [Bitcoin-development] New BIP: protocol for multisignature payments

2015-01-31 Thread Mike Hearn
Hi Martin, You're on the right lines. Your writeup is pretty similar to the high level overview given here though: To make 2-of-3 dispute mediation works requires implementing a wallet that supports it, and the tools

Re: [Bitcoin-development] New BIP: protocol for multisignature payments

2015-01-31 Thread Mike Hearn
I could look at implementing it someday, but now I'd like to receive feedback from community. IMO it's better to pair a protocol spec with an implementation. For one, it can show up issues in the design you didn't think of. For another, implementation is a lot more work than speccing out a

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Is there a way to estimate the maximum number of transactions per minute Bitcoin can handle as it is today?

2015-01-31 Thread Mike Hearn
Alipay handled up to 2.85 million transactions per minute, and 54 percent of its transactions are made via mobile device. I know China is a very big place but even so - 47,500 transactions per second would be almost quintiple what Visa handles across the entire world. With only 300 million

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Hearn
It is not fear, it is field experience. JSON has proven to be a bug generator for the reasons already stated. To back Jeff up on this point, today we see this story: The maker of BlackPhone – a mobile

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm frankly _horrified_ to learn that BitcoinJ ships its own root CA certificates bundle. This means that, if a root CA gets breached and a certificate gets revoked, all BitcoinJ-using software will be vulnerable until BitcoinJ ships an update *and* the software in question pulls in the new

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Hearn
and not depends on the transport. But a standard that just use JSON and HTTPS, even if less flexible that BIP70, would make it easier and sufficient for today's use case. On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 5:55 PM, Mike Hearn wrote: My point is not that there is a limitation in BIP70. My point

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Hearn
On the other hand, if you charge the developer (and not the plateform) to check certificate validity, it means that you have to develop a different codebase for all plateform you are targeting, because each plateform store trusted root certificate in a different manner with different APIs,

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Hearn
My point is not that there is a limitation in BIP70. My point is that you put the burden of certificate verification on developer's shoulder when we can just leverage built in HTTPS support of the platform. Platforms that support HTTPS but not certificate handling are rare - I know HTML5 is

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network paper

2015-01-22 Thread Mike Hearn
I hear that. But I don't see why mainstream wallets and wallets designed for crypto research should not share a common core. I think there was some misunderstanding. I was saying they *could and should* share common cores, so we are in agreement without realising it :) I also didn't mean to

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-19 Thread Mike Hearn
The engineers at Google were well aware that ASN.1 existed. I can assure you of that, because I was one of them. The protobuf FAQ has a very polite take on the matter: This email thread gives more enlightenment:

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP70: why Google Protocol Buffers for encoding?

2015-01-19 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm a bit confused. It's been a long time since I looked at protobuf (and will have to dig into it soon), but I seem to recall it doesn't have any of the determinism properties you guys just said. It's not guaranteed no, which is why we store signed sub-messages as byte arrays instead of

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bi-directional micropayment channels with CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

2015-01-11 Thread Mike Hearn
Firstly, apologies to Nathan for not actually providing feedback on his protocol. I've put pondering it onto my mental todo list. The notion of a payment tree is interesting but complicated - I would need to think about it and maybe draw myself some diagrams before having useful feedback here. If

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bi-directional micropayment channels with CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Hearn
The original design is documented at the bottom of here: In this design, time locked transactions can be broadcast across the network and replaced by broadcasting a new transaction that

Re: [Bitcoin-development] A look back and a look forward

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Hearn
This needn't be so, once an optional identity layer, modeled after the Internet itself, is provided, as proposed in late August of last year on this mailing list I think the observation about Target vs Bitcoin exchanges is a sharp one, but I'm not sure how your proposal helps. You say it's

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bi-directional micropayment channels with CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY

2015-01-09 Thread Mike Hearn
A limitation on most existing micropayment channel ideas is that payments can only flow in one direction. It's worth noting that the original protocol as designed by Satoshi did not have this limitation. It has evolved this way because of ad-hoc DoS fixes over time (btw I'm not saying they

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Cartographer

2014-12-29 Thread Mike Hearn
Can you explain further where limitations and problems were hit? Well, look at the feature list :) The biggest need from my POV is querying support. It's awkward to try and retrofit flexible key=value pair queries onto DNS, it just wasn't designed for that. With HTTP it's easy. This will

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP: Voluntary deposit bonds

2014-12-29 Thread Mike Hearn
Could you explain a bit further Sergio? I'm not sure I fully understand the proposal. How does adding inputs to a coinbase differ from just having pay-to-fee transactions in the block? -- Dive into the World of Parallel

[Bitcoin-development] Cartographer

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Hearn
Hi there! Lately we have been bumping up against the limitations of DNS as a protocol for learning about the p2p network. As a proposal for how to address this, I have written a new network crawler and seed: It implements a standard DNS seed with a minimal

[Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin XT

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Hearn
Hi there, I hope everyone who celebrates Christmas is having a relaxing and enjoyable break! :) I'd like to announce Bitcoin XT, a patch set on top of Bitcoin Core 0.10rc1 that focuses on enhancements to the peer to peer protocol. It is reproducibly built

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network paper

2014-12-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Finally, distributors of consumer wallets can use this research in order to distribute their wallet with policies which may be less prone to Tor-specific attacks. Or leave this out altogether if their audience has different expectations for connecting to Bitcoin. Sure. I guess there will be

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Serialised P2SH HD chains

2014-12-04 Thread Mike Hearn
I wrote a little Javascript program to print some minimal protobufs to base64. Result for a multisig output:

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Deanonymisation of clients in Bitcoin P2P network paper

2014-11-27 Thread Mike Hearn
[As an aside I agree that there are lots of things to improve here, but the fact that users can in theory be forced off of tor via DOS attacks is not immediately concerning to me because its a conscious choice users would make to abandon their privacy Bitcoin already has a large population

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: PoW-based throttling of addresses (was: Outbound connections rotation)

2014-11-18 Thread Mike Hearn
DKIM is hardly a PoW; signing is cheap and gets cheaper all the time. I used to work in the email business and big bulk mailers all spent far more CPU time on other aspects of their business, the overhead of DKIM is irrelevant. PoW didn't work in the anti spam world because it (amongst other

[Bitcoin-development] Update on mobile 2-factor wallets

2014-11-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Here is a summary of current developments in the space of decentralised 2-factor Bitcoin wallets. I figured some people here might find it interesting. There has been very nice progress in the last month or two. Decentralised 2FA wallets run on a desktop/laptop and have a (currently always

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Update on mobile 2-factor wallets

2014-11-08 Thread Mike Hearn
of single device compromise. It also makes funds unspendable if -either- device's keys become lost. On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 5:04 PM, Mike Hearn wrote: Here is a summary of current developments in the space of decentralised 2-factor Bitcoin wallets. I figured some people here

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Update on mobile 2-factor wallets

2014-11-08 Thread Mike Hearn
I am familiar with the Princeton threshold signature but I was under the impression a single key needed to be generated on a single device then split and distributed. Does this scheme work the same way? No, it doesn't. Neither device ever sees as master private key.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] The difficulty of writing consensus critical code: the SIGHASH_SINGLE bug

2014-11-07 Thread Mike Hearn
Who benefits from not fixing bugs in Bitcoin? We can bring up politics if you want. No, please don't. That question was rhetorical, not an invitation for you to try and convince bystanders that anyone who disagrees with you is a shadowy Agent Of Centralisation or an idiot. You use that

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP62 and future script upgrades

2014-11-04 Thread Mike Hearn
This is another problem that only exists because of the desire to soft fork. If script 2.0 is a hard fork upgrade, you no longer need weird hacks like scripts-which-are-not-scripts. --

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Reworking the policy estimation code (fee estimates)

2014-10-28 Thread Mike Hearn
Could you explain a little further why you think the current approach is statistically incorrect? There's no doubt that the existing estimates the system produces are garbage, but that's because it assumes players in the fee market are rational and they are not. Fwiw bitcoinj 0.12.1 applies the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] About watch-only addresses

2014-10-20 Thread Mike Hearn
This feature makes possible Bitcoin Core to read a balance of any public address via RPC call or, after importing the balance, it became available only via QT interface? Neither. A watching wallet still has to be synced with the chain in the same way as any other wallet, i.e. after adding an

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Two Proposed BIPs - Bluetooth Communication and bitcoin: URI Scheme Improvements

2014-10-20 Thread Mike Hearn
Hey Andy, Thanks for starting this discussion! One thing this brings up is the never-resolved issue of whether BIPs should document how we'd *like* things to work, or how things *actually do* work. BIP32 is an example of the former - it was new technology and the spec was finalised before any

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP process

2014-10-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Great idea. Jeff Garzik was looking for a better mailing list solution than SourceForge, but assuming there isn't a clearly better solution I think we should create a strictly moderated bitcoin-bips@lists.sourceforge list. Let's stay away from or any mailman-controlled lists if at

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP process

2014-10-15 Thread Mike Hearn
I don't care much what exact list software/service is used, but hasn't changed in years and is basically dying. Trashing all @yahoo accounts because ancient mailman does a MITM attack on people's email is no good, it's not any better than a web proxy that breaks every SSL connection.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Something people are forgetting about the Gentoo / Luke-jr censorship issue

2014-10-10 Thread Mike Hearn
I'm sure this suggestion will go down like a lead balloon, but Bitcoin Core is not the first project that's had issues with Linux distros silently modifying their software as they package it. In this case Luke has changed things to be closer to what users expect, which is good to see, but I expect

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Opinion: if a soft work works, it should be preferred, if for no other reason than once a hard-fork is planned, the discussion begins about what else to throw in. To minimize the frequency of hard-forks, the time for that is when the change being considered actually requires one. I'm not

Re: [Bitcoin-development] The Bitcoin Freeze on Transaction Attack (FRONT)

2014-10-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes, you're right. I didn't consider that case. But the problem is that this is not automatic. Currently there is a clear division between miners how will not take the kickback (irrrational) and miners who will (rational). This seems to come up a lot. Your definition of rational is a short

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-07 Thread Mike Hearn
That is easy to change; I'll submit a pull request. That's certainly a useful improvement. It won't help the existing userbase though - assuming CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY is to go in to the next major release. If there's going to be an intermediate release (6 months?) which lays the groundwork for

Re: [Bitcoin-development] The Bitcoin Freeze on Transaction Attack (FRONT)

2014-10-06 Thread Mike Hearn
the block size being lower than the instant offered demand (there is always a backlog) are both things which address the concern of this thread. :) I'm skeptical such a situation can ever be stable. People have no incentive to create a transaction that will remain stuck in the backlog

Re: [Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.12

2014-10-04 Thread Mike Hearn
Hey Kristov, I hate to reply to a release that includes a huge number of new features with yet another feature request, so -- with apologies -- any plans for bitcoinj to support stealth address sending and/or receiving? Stealth addresses and SPV don't mix well, so no. I wrote up a description

[Bitcoin-development] bitcoinj 0.12

2014-10-03 Thread Mike Hearn
I’m pleased to announce version 0.12 of bitcoinj, one of the worlds most popular Bitcoin libraries. It is used by at least four Android wallets, three desktop wallets,, Circle, biteasy, CryptoCorp, Lighthouse, BlueMatt’s relay network, bitpos, countless alt coin wallets, for

Re: [Bitcoin-development] [BIP draft] CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY - Prevent a txout from being spent until an expiration time

2014-10-03 Thread Mike Hearn
Alright. It seems there's no real disagreement about how the opcode behaves. Perhaps a time limit would be appropriate to stop people creating outputs locked for 100 years is bitcoin even likely to exist in 100 years? The entire history of computing is not even that old, seems hard to imagine

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP72 amendment proposal

2014-09-12 Thread Mike Hearn
A few thoughts on this: (1) Base64 of SHA256 seems overkill. 256 bits of hash is a lot. The risk here is that a MITM intercepts the payment request, which will be typically requested just seconds after the QR code is vended. 80 bits of entropy would still be a lot and take a long time to brute

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP72 amendment proposal

2014-09-12 Thread Mike Hearn
Your example doesn't have an address in it at all, so isn't compatible with non-BIP70 wallets. Maybe for QRcodes specifically there are no longer any such wallets out there. For clickable links it can still be an issue. I thought SHA1 has a bad reputation these days, and we don't save much by

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP72 amendment proposal

2014-09-12 Thread Mike Hearn
a few characters to a normal backwards-compatible QR code, and is not hard to implement. On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Mike Hearn wrote: That way we leave up to implementers to experiment with different lengths and figure out what the optimum is Ah, that's a good

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: PoW-based throttling of addresses (was: Outbound connections rotation)

2014-08-23 Thread Mike Hearn
Since when? This has been a recognized approach since people called it hashcash ([1] - before cryptocurrencies were even invented). I only know of one site that worked the way you propose: TicketMaster, a long time ago. They used it as a less harsh form of blocking for IPs that they strongly

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Encrypt bitcoin messages

2014-08-23 Thread Mike Hearn
Not to mention encrypting basically non-sensitive inter-node traffic is almost completely worthless in providing anonymity anyway... Recall that P2P connections carry Bloom filters too, which are not public information.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: Encrypt bitcoin messages

2014-08-20 Thread Mike Hearn
I would be very happy if we upgraded the P2P protocol with MAC keys and a simple home grown encryption layer, because: 1. It's practically guaranteed that 5-eyes intelligence agencies are either systematically deanonymising Bitcoin users already (linking transactions to real world

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Proposal: PoW-based throttling of addresses (was: Outbound connections rotation)

2014-08-20 Thread Mike Hearn
Misbehaving addresses can have their connecting difficulty scaled up, which should make it uneconomic to try to DoS the usage of Tor exit nodes for connecting to Bitcoin. You can't solve DoS by requiring all clients to do complicated work, all that means is that weak clients (like users

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Outbound connections rotation

2014-08-18 Thread Mike Hearn
Connection rotation would be fine for improving a node's knoweldge about available peers and making the network stronger against partitioning. It's also the first/next step towards decentralising the DNS seeds (for SPV clients), as it'd allow each node to explore the network and return

Re: [Bitcoin-development] CoinShuffle: decentralized CoinJoin without trusted third parties

2014-08-11 Thread Mike Hearn
Putting the efficacy of coinjoin to one side: On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Tim Ruffing wrote: Then the only remaining reason why it could be invalid is that the input could have been spent already otherwise. But in this case, only one honest client with

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Given that we're not running out of service bits and service bits mean you don't have to try connecting to every node to find out what services it supports, why not keep using the existing extension mechanism until we start running out of bits?

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Miners MiTM

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Certificate validation isn't needed unless the attacker can do a direct MITM at connection time, which is a lot harder to maintain than injecting a client.reconnect. Surely the TCP connection will be reset once the route reconfiguration is completed, either by the MITM server or by the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
He wants to use it to advertise services that are not part of the P2P protocol itself, but run on a different port. Reserving services bits for those is not acceptable. Why not? Does the port matter much? All the NODE_EXT_SERVICES bit does is advertise the P2P getextsrv command to get

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
I'd like to see a mechanism whereby a Bitcoin node can delegate processing of unknown messages to an external process, so a P2P node can be composed out of separated programs, but such a service would be indistinguishable at the network layer from one provided by Bitcoin Core itself, so a service

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Something like `getutxos` or this proposal could be implemented as an external application or script, instead of having to integrate everything into bitcoind. Right, although getutxos needs access to the UTXO set which bitcoind already has. An external plugin would have to recalculate it

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes, that is the one change I am still pondering: adding categories (classes), rather than one single bit. Sure, that makes more sense I think. As a motivating use case, Bitcoin Wallet for Android currently has a hard-coded block explorer ( which it uses to find UTXOs for a

Re: [Bitcoin-development] NODE_EXT_SERVICES and advertising related services

2014-08-08 Thread Mike Hearn
I'd be OK with such an idea if bitcoind listens on a separate port for connections from plugins, a port that cannot be used for normal P2P traffic. This could also be a UNIX socket instead of a TCP port. Yes, can be done this way too. I was thinking about setups where you have services

[Bitcoin-development] How to create a pull tester JAR

2014-08-05 Thread Mike Hearn
I just checked in a change to bitcoinj git master that makes it much easier to create a pull tester jar. Here are instructions for how to do it. You will need: - A Java Development Kit (JDK), version 6 or up should work. As Java 6 was released eight years ago, this should not be a

Re: [Bitcoin-development] How to create a pull tester JAR

2014-08-05 Thread Mike Hearn
Oh, I forgot to mention something important. Ridiculously, the default package repository Maven uses was not protected by SSL up until a few days ago. They made it available via SSL now, but you have to tell Maven about the new URL. I guess they'll do a new release where SSL is the default soon.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] How to create a pull tester JAR

2014-08-05 Thread Mike Hearn
No problem. The pull tester entry point can be found here: (nb: in the near future I will be re-namespacing the library from to org.bitcoinj to reflect that

Re: [Bitcoin-development] deterministic transaction expiration

2014-08-05 Thread Mike Hearn
The user experience of unconfirming transactions setting around in limbo is just horrible. Bitcoin software by necessity has gotten better about attaching fees so this sort of behavior is uncommon, but that does not eliminate the problem. Yes, indeed. I suspect there's a quick hack that

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Abusive and broken bitcoin seeders

2014-07-31 Thread Mike Hearn
I suspect it is something that is going to have to be dealt with in the future (I just don't know how yet). The web has managed to survive despite constant fast crawls being the norm for the past 10 years or so. I wouldn't worry too much about this unless you can prove that a big chunk of

Re: [Bitcoin-development] On behalf of BIP 70 extension proposal

2014-07-30 Thread Mike Hearn
the memo in their transactions list that will change. On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Mark van Cuijk wrote: On 28 Jul 2014, at 15:32 , Mike Hearn wrote: So what now? To be honest my next priority with BIP70 was to formalise the extensions process, I've been

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Abnormally Large Tor node accepting only Bitcoin traffic

2014-07-28 Thread Mike Hearn
As I pointed out above, — it isn't really. Without the exit flag, I believe no tor node will select it to exit 8333 unless manually configured. (someone following tor more closely than I could correct if I'm wrong here) The exit flag doesn't mean what you would expect it to mean. The reason

Re: [Bitcoin-development] On behalf of BIP 70 extension proposal

2014-07-28 Thread Mike Hearn
On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Mark van Cuijk wrote: Good to see that it has been discussed, but I see the idea has been postponed. I'm not sure postponed is the right word. It wasn't in v1, but many useful things weren't. It's more like, a bunch of people have to do work

Re: [Bitcoin-development] On behalf of BIP 70 extension proposal

2014-07-28 Thread Mike Hearn
I referred to your idea in which is indeed not the proposal itself. Right, gotcha. Had forgotten about that. Indeed

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Time

2014-07-25 Thread Mike Hearn
Ok... 'time' on the blockchain could be 'gamed' ... but with great difficulty. Unfortunately not: miners have in the past routinely gamed the timestamp in order to use it as an extra nonce and squeeze some more gigahashes out of their hardware/pool. Also remember that currently the chain

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Time

2014-07-25 Thread Mike Hearn
Given that the speed at which the block chain advances is kind of unpredictable, I'd think it might be better to just record the time to disk when a PIN attempt is made and if you observe time going backwards, refuse to allow more attempts until it's advanced past the previous attempt. On Fri,

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Time

2014-07-25 Thread Mike Hearn
option, but the wallet app already has the chain height anyway. On Friday, July 25, 2014, Mike Hearn wrote: Given that the speed at which the block chain advances is kind of unpredictable, I'd think it might be better to just record the time to disk when a PIN attempt is made

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Question on creating test cases for block.CheckBlock()

2014-07-22 Thread Mike Hearn
There is no infrastructure for writing block chain unit tests unfortunately. Last time I tried to fix this I ended up going down a rabbit hole - Bitcoin wasn't written to be a testable codebase and as a result reinitialising it from scratch is rather difficult (there are lots of global variables

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Decentralizing ming

2014-07-18 Thread Mike Hearn
Jeff, I think the message you're replying to got clipped. Satoshi's only comment AFAIK on the topic of GPU mining was to wish for a gentlemen's agreement to postpone it as long as possible, to help make sure the distribution of coins was as even as possible. Indeed this predated pooled mining.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Decentralizing ming

2014-07-18 Thread Mike Hearn
, 2014 at 12:41 PM, Mike Hearn wrote: Jeff, I think the message you're replying to got clipped. Satoshi's only comment AFAIK on the topic of GPU mining was to wish for a gentlemen's agreement to postpone it as long as possible, to help make sure the distribution of coins

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Small update to BIP 62

2014-07-18 Thread Mike Hearn
The rationale doesn't seem to apply to rule #4, what's so special about that one? Although I agree not having to support all of DER is nice, in practice I think all implementations do and libraries to parse DER are widespread. Given that the last time we modified tx rules without bumping version

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-17 Thread Mike Hearn
, Andreas Schildbach wrote: I will change the bitcoinj implementation and propose a new test vector. On 07/16/2014 11:29 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: Yes sorry, you're right, the issue starts with the null code point. Python seems to have problems starting there too. It might work if we took

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
using apple's CFStringNormalize(passphrase, kCFStringNormalizationFormC); Aaron Voisine On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: Yes, we know, Andreas' code is indeed doing normalisation. However it appears the output bytes end up being different

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
the same result as in the test case using apple's CFStringNormalize(passphrase, kCFStringNormalizationFormC); Aaron Voisine On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Mike Hearn wrote: Yes, we know, Andreas' code is indeed doing normalisation. However

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for geutxos message

2014-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
Thanks Jeff. I do feel like a lot of this is covered in the writeup I attached to the implementation pull request, and I went over it again in the ensuing discussion, and also in the BIP. The discussion of how to make it secure is covered in the Upgrade section of the writeup and in the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for geutxos message

2014-07-16 Thread Mike Hearn
In particular, can this document specifically call out that a local network attacker can MITM all the peers. It already does, last sentence of the authentication section is: Querying multiple nodes and combining their answers can be a partial solution to this, although as nothing

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin address TTL key expiration?

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
The request: It would be useful to limit the lifetime of a bitcoin address. Not only useful but essential! Otherwise mobile clients can run out of RAM and have to cycle around and reuse addresses. Which is indeed why BIP70 has this feature. It was thought about quite some time ago.

[Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
[+cc aaron] We recently added an implementation of BIP 38 (password protected private keys) to bitcoinj. It came to my attention that the third test vector may be broken. It gives a hex version of what the NFC normalised version of the input string should be, but this does not match the results

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin address TTL key expiration?

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Jeff Garzik wrote: BIP70 does not work well for unknown number of future payments of unknown, unpredictable value. You can specify zero as an output value, in which case it's the same as no value specified. You can then just reuse the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Unicode guarantees that null-terminated strings still work. UTF-8 guarantees that. Other encodings do not, you can have null bytes in UTF-16 strings for example. Indeed most languages that use pascal-style encodings internally allow null characters in strings, it's just not a good idea to

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin address TTL key expiration?

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Actually, and this is key, there _are_ reasons why deposits might not be able to use PaymentRequests. Payments happen even when wallets/computers are offline. I don't understand this point. It's the *sender* that is parsing the PaymentRequest and following the instructions. By definition

Re: [Bitcoin-development] BIP 38 NFC normalisation issue

2014-07-15 Thread Mike Hearn
Yes, we know, Andreas' code is indeed doing normalisation. However it appears the output bytes end up being different. What I get back is: cf9300*01*303430300166346139 vs cf9300*f0*909080f09f92a9 from the spec. I'm not sure why. It appears this is due to the character from the astral planes.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Self-dependency transaction question...

2014-07-14 Thread Mike Hearn
Conceptually all transactions in the block chain lie on a single timeline. The fact that we quantise that timeline into blocks is in many ways neither here nor there - it's still a strict line. What *can* happen and you must be aware of is duplicated transactions. Satoshi sort of assumed this

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Protocol Specification

2014-07-14 Thread Mike Hearn
Ah, that's great. Still, it would be good to be careful with the word specification. On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 1:41 PM, Wladimir wrote: As a loose description of the protocol for newbies it's an invaluable resource and perhaps we should link to it from the developer guide.

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Protocol Specification

2014-07-14 Thread Mike Hearn
just out of curiosity, do you think it will be possible to create any other proper protocol specifications rather than the C++ original? Well it's a finite code base so yes, it should be possible. The only problem is so far everyone who tried it, didn't succeed :) Heck even people who

[Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for geutxos message

2014-07-10 Thread Mike Hearn
: BIP: 45 Title: getutxo message Author: Mike Hearn Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Created: 2014-06-10 Table of Contents - Abstract

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Draft BIP for geutxos message

2014-07-10 Thread Mike Hearn
I took the number out, it is now just the getutxo bip until a number is assigned. On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 4:29 PM, Mike Hearn wrote: I opened up a pull req for a draft BIP for getutxo. I include a rendering below for your reading

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Bitcoin Protocol Specification

2014-07-09 Thread Mike Hearn
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 10:04 PM, Matt Whitlock wrote: Is anyone working on a similar specification document for Satoshi's P2P protocol? I know how blocks and transactions are structured and verified, but I'm interested in knowing how they're communicated over the

Re: [Bitcoin-development] Payment Protocol for Face-to-face Payments

2014-07-01 Thread Mike Hearn
​However it's not ideal at the moment. Basically the main problem is that in the BIP72 there is no way to provide a fallback alternative URI for payment request fetch if client wallet supports BIP70 but doesn't not support fetching over bluetooth or bluetooth connection fails for any reason.

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