We've been working closely with IT360 again this year to bring in
some great speakers. We're very excited to have Kevin Fleming and
John Todd joining us from Digium, as well as Ethan Schroeder from
Schmooze Communications.

As a member of TAUG (and all other AUG's), you are eligible for
special rates:

 * To attend the conference and receive a 25% discount use code: A107

 * Special pricing for out of town visitors to the Asterisk Digium
   Open Telephony Conference at IT360. If you are traveling more then
   100 km to attend, please contact st...@plumcom.ca for a special
   code to receive a 50% discount to attend

 * To attend the trade show using a complimentary pass, use code: TS1
   ($50 value)

Some highlights from the conference topics:

 * Kevin Fleming will talk about the various improvements and
   enhancements that have been made in Asterisk 1.6. Bugfixes, new
   support for wideband codecs, basic SS7 support, TLS encryption for
   SIP, and hundreds of other major and minor changes have kept
   Asterisk 1.6 as the most powerful and flexible voice toolkit

 * John will be talking about how open- source software offers a
   possibly counter-intuitive shelter for businesses who are hoping to
   reduce their expenses and improve service in an otherwise gloomy

 * Ethan will help Telephony users and integrators understand Unified
   Communications, how Asterisk is positioned for UC, and what open
   source and commercial technology is available to create a world
   class UC platform using Asterisk.

For full details on the speakers above and mentioned in the grid
below, see http://www.it360.ca/index.php/asterisk-open-telephony-conference.html


TIME              TITLE                                     SPEAKER

8:30am - 9:20am   Featured Presentation: Slashing Telecom   John Todd,
                  Expenses in an Economic Downturn          Digium Inc.

9:30am - 12:30pm  Tutorial: Installation and Basic          Reza M. Reza

9:30am - 10:20am  IT360 Keynote: How I Cracked The          Mafia Boy
                  Internet & Why Its Still Broken

10:30am - 11:20am Making theTransition to VoIP: What are    Doug Pickett,
                  the technical issues?                     Vogg Technology Ltd.

11:30am - 12:20pm VoIP and Security: VoIP Attacks are Real  Stephan Monette,

1:30pm - 2:20pm   Featured Presentation: What's new in      Kevin Fleming,
                  Asterisk 1.6?                             Digium, Inc.

1:30pm - 4:30pm   Tutorial: Behind Unified Communications:  Ethan Schroeder,
                  Integrating Open Source VoIP with Email,  Schmooze Comm.
                  Instant Messaging & Web. 2.0

2:30pm - 3:20pm   Case Studies                              Henry Coleman

3:30pm - 4:20pm   Unusual Uses: What you didn't know your   Leif Madsen
                  Asterisk System could do!

| It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what
| you know for sure that just ain't so.   -- Mark Twain
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