Thanks, Donna!

Within a couple of weeks, all registered AB and BB sheep (including those AB sheep that have just been registered) will show up in a new edition of the BBSAI's on-line Book of Registry, which can be viewed on the BBSAI web site at, on the "About the Sheep" page, then click on "Book of Registry". The current edition of the Book of Registry is dated July 2012. I will post an announcement to this list when we have the January 2013 edition posted.

Mary Swindell
Registrar, BBSAI

At 07:08 PM 1/15/2013, you wrote:
I for one would like to send a big THANK YOU  to Mary Swindell who
championed the job of registering all those last minute ABB's from
procrastinating owners.  I am embarrassed to say that I was one.   I had
taken pictures about 3 times over the years but when I started  sorting them
I realized that it is a hassle - most of my ewes look identical (good breed
typing) and ear tags don't stay in long with my page wire fences.  And also,
my sheep are not friendly and don't stand still for me to read tags
(fortunately the chip scanner can read on the run by).  I would like to
permanently tattoo my sheep but  I'd have to implant a chip in the ear, an
ink tattoo couldn't be read unless the animal was forcibly kept still.   So,
Christmas and Boxing days were spent outside in -15 Celsius taking pictures
of sheep who were not being cooperative - especially #112 who seemed to be
in every 2nd picture J  Mary patiently dealt with my mistakes and I was
happy to receive her email that the registrations are now in the mail.

Thanks again Mary for a job well done.

Donna-Marie Cyr

Teseko Farms

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