Dear Peter, Bubbly Babs, and Jeff,

Peter and Bubbly suggested that I contact my ISP. I just did so, and they
said that there were no changes in the ISP number or address recently.
they did say that they were upgrading their mail server.

That does not explain why I cannot surf the Net when there are problems. It
also does not explain why I am able to work without problems after

Peter, you asked additional questions.

I have generic (no-name) computer memory in the computer. There is no change
in the wiring to the phone line since before the problem started. There is
no splitter on the phone cord.

I downloaded and installed Aida, as you suggested. Nice diagnostics program,
but their website seems to indicate that they are discontinuing its
development. Aida reported my modem as a Generic SoftK56.

Jeff, you suggested that I may have a virus or that Zone Alarm may be
involved. I checked for viruses (on demand) and came out clean. I do not
have (and never have had) ZA installed. I removed and ruled out the firewall
some time ago when the problems started.

David Grossman
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