Not wanting to be out-done by nyz, I have just released 0.9.0 beta1 of
bbkeys.  You can grab it from  as always.

A couple of notable thingeys:

1) this version of bbkeys is completely dependent on blackbox version
0.70.0-beta1.  install it first.

2) because of (1), if you install blackbox to somewhere non-standard,
you'll need to do:
"export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$HOME/local/blackbox-0.70.0-beta1/lib/pkgconfig"
(or wherever you installed it to) before you can run "./configure" for
bbkeys.  Otherwise, you'll get configuration errors.

3) bbkeys's config file has completely changed since 0.8.x.  bbkeys no
longer has any on-screen presence whatsoever (no icon, etc.).  all
settings for bbkeys are now kept in the same file.  this file uses the
same format as blackbox's menu.  see the distributed sample bbkeysrc
file and the man pages for more information.

4) there is a LOT of new functionality in this version of bbkeys,
compared to previous versions, including chained keybindings (ala
emacs), parameterized directives, and much other goodness.  see the man
pages for more details.

5) bbkeys is (thanks to blackbox's shared libbt library)
EWMH-compliant.  this means that you can use it with openbox, blackbox
(0.70.0+), kde, metacity, and any other NETWM/EWMH-compliant window
manager.  I've been using it for the last year+ with all of these window
managers with zero problems (save for some silly metacity stuff here and
there which I've fixed).  I like doing this so that as the mood strikes
me, I can play with different window managers without having to
reconfigure their keybindings constantly--bbkeys does it all for me.

more stuff, I'm sure, I've forgotten.  please give this a try, along
with the newly-released blackbox-0.70.0-beta1.  please report any and
all bugs, problems, suggestions, and plans for world domination.

oh--I've updated the man pages for bbkeys, but am by no means a trained
editor of man pages.  I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could look
them over.



| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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