just wanted to let y'all know...  I just finished some bbkeys
enhancements.  bbkeys now has a popup window-cycling dialog!!  

yay!  =:)

It's probably not in its finished state, and it's possible to screw it
up, I'm sure.  It subclasses libbt's Menu currently, so there are
certain things that it can't do, like center itself perfectly
on-screen.  But other than that, it's pretty darned sweet, if I do say
so myself.

I'll paste my ~/.bbkeysrc file below....

The relevant sections for the menu are:

- stylefile : this is the style that is used for displaying the
on-screen window menu.  if you don't supply this, your window menu will
be black and white (ugly).

- showCycleMenu : set to true for the popup menu

- cycleMenu{X,Y} : since the libbt Menu class doesn't provide complete
programmatic manipulation of on-screen placement, etc., you can override
the "almost-there" on-screen centering by providing X and Y positions
where you want the menu to show up.  I personally like mine at +20+20. 

this is for the CVS version of bbkeys, of course, which is dependent on
blackbox CVS.  any problems/thoughts/suggestions/bugs/etc., please let
me know.


[begin] (bbkeys configuration file)

    [option] (stylefile) {/home/gideon/local/blackbox-CVS/share/blackbox/styles/Nyz}
    [option] (honorModifiers) {false}
    [option] (raiseWhileCycling) {false}
    [option] (showCycleMenu)  {true}
    [option] (menuTextJustify) {right}
    [option] (autoConfig)   {true}
    [option] (autoConfigCheckTimeout) {10}
    [option] (workspaceColumns) {4}
    [option] (workspaceRows) {2}
    [option] (cycleMenuX) {20}
    [option] (cycleMenuY) {20}

  [keybindings] (begin keybindings)
    [chain] (Control-Mod1-W)
      [sendToWorkspace] (1) {1}
      [sendToWorkspace] (2) {2}
      [sendToWorkspace] (3) {3}
      [sendToWorkspace] (4) {4}
      [sendToWorkspace] (5) {5}
      [sendToWorkspace] (6) {6}
      [sendToWorkspace] (7) {7}
      [sendToWorkspace] (8) {8}
    [chain] (Mod1-Y)
      [execute] (1) {xmms}
      [execute] (2) {aumix -v +5}
      [execute] (3) {aumix -v -5}
    [Lower]  (Mod1-Down)
    [Raise]  (Mod1-Up)
    [toggleShade]  (Mod1-F9)
    [Close]  (Mod1-F4)
    [Iconify]  (Mod1-m)
    [toggleMaximizeFull]  (Mod1-F12)
    [toggleMaximizeHorizontal]  (Mod1-F11)
    [toggleMaximizeVertical]  (Mod1-F10)
    [toggleOmnipresent]  (Mod1-Control-S)
    #[toggleDecorations]  (Mod1-Control-T)
    [resizeWindowWidth]  (Mod1-Control-Shift-Left) {-5}
    [resizeWindowWidth]  (Mod1-Control-Shift-Right) {5}
    [resizeWindowHeight]  (Mod1-Control-Shift-Up) {-5}
    [resizeWindowHeight]  (Mod1-Control-Shift-Down) {5}
    [moveWindowUp]  (Mod1-Control-Up) 
    [moveWindowDown]  (Mod1-Control-Down)
    [moveWindowLeft]  (Mod1-Control-Left)
    [moveWindowRight]  (Mod1-Control-Right)
    [NextWindow]  (Mod1-Tab)
    [NextWindowOnAllWorkspaces]  (Mod1-Control-Tab)
    [PrevWindow]  (Mod1-Shift-Tab)
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-1) {1}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-2) {2}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-3) {3}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-4) {4}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-5) {5}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-6) {6}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-7) {7}
    [changeWorkspace]  (Mod1-8) {8}

    [showRootMenu] (Mod1-Control-Escape)

    [Execute]  (Mod1-F5) {xrefresh}
    [Execute]  (Mod1-F1) {aterm}
    [Execute]  (Mod4-E) {kfmclient openProfile filemanagement}
  [end] (end keybindings)
[end] (end bbkeys configuration)


| Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper ::  Numbers 6:22-26 
 | All brontosauruses are thin at one end, much MUCH thicker 
 | in the middle, and then thin again at the far end.  That is 
 | the theory that I have and which is mine, and what it is too.  
| bash$ :(){ :|:&};:

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