
Just thougth I might post an excerpt of the file which I use to
redefines my aterm colors.  Just stick it in your .Xdefaults /
.Xresources file and if you're using xterm or rxvt, just change the word
aterm to xterm and rxvt (respectively).

--[ snip ]--

! apearence
aterm.transparent: true
aterm.shading: 20
aterm.foreground: grey
aterm.font: -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75-M-60-ISO8859-1
aterm.boldFont: -B&H-LucidaTypewriter-Medium-R-Normal-Sans-10-100-75-75-M-60-ISO8859-1

! behavour
Aterm.scrollKeypress: true
Aterm.scrollTtyOutput: false
Aterm.visualBell: true
Aterm.scrollBar: false
Aterm.saveLines: 100

! matt's colors
aterm.color0: #000000
aterm.color1: #aa6e75
aterm.color2: #5e7862
aterm.color3: #896a60
aterm.color4: #585680
aterm.color5: #8d6c8b
aterm.color6: #6a7e81
aterm.color7: #aaaaaa

aterm.color8: gray40
aterm.color9: #d89fa2
aterm.color10: #89c99c
aterm.color11: #d3cd98
aterm.color12: #8a87ac
aterm.color13: #b18cbb
aterm.color14: #afc5cb
aterm.color15: white

! default colors
!Aterm.color0: black
!Aterm.color1: red3
!Aterm.color2: green3
!Aterm.color3: yellow3
!Aterm.color4: blue3
!Aterm.color5: magenta3
!Aterm.color6: cyan3
!Aterm.color7: antiquewhite
!Aterm.color8: grey25
!Aterm.color9: red
!Aterm.color10: Green
!Aterm.color11: yellow
!Aterm.color12: blue
!Aterm.color13: magenta
!Aterm.color14: cyan
!Aterm.color15: white

--[ snip ]--

I also have a color scheme for mutt aswell if you guys are intersted
which makes it more usable than the default.  Also, if you redistribute
the colors, please give credit to mr Matt Painter (the original author
of the file).

ps. I also have a mean color scheme for mutt aswell for people who might
be interested (this one is quite large (I think), so I don't think I'll
post it to the list).

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