BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: gnupg               2.1.21                   2.1.22       
chapter 04: nss                 3.31                     3.32         #9285
chapter 04: polkit              0.113+git_2919920+js38   manual       
chapter 04: stunnel             5.41                     5.42         #9486
chapter 05: btrfs-progs         4.11.1                   4.12         
chapter 05: gptfdisk            1.0.1                    1.0.3        #9529
chapter 05: reiserfsprogs       3.6.26                   3.6.27       #9519
chapter 05: xfsprogs            4.11.0                   4.12.0       #9509
chapter 06: nano                2.8.5                    2.8.6        #9512
chapter 09: appstream-glib      0.6.13                   0.7.0        #9396
chapter 09: boost               1_63_0                   1_64_0       
chapter 09: gmime               2.6.23                   3.0.1        #9164
chapter 09: libgcrypt           1.7.8                    1.8.0        #9494
chapter 09: libgusb             0.2.10                   0.2.11       #9520
chapter 09: mozjs               38.2.1.rc0               manual       
chapter 09: node.js             8.1.4                    8.2.1        #9502
chapter 09: nspr                4.15                     4.16         #9533
chapter 10: harfbuzz            1.4.6                    1.4.7        #9495
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.7-8                  6.9.9-3      #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.4-8                  7.0.6-3      #7859
chapter 11: highlight           3.38                     3.39         #9530
chapter 11: screen              4.5.1                    4.6.1        #7754
chapter 12: bluez               5.45                     5.46         #9481
chapter 12: dbus                1.10.20                  1.10.22      #9534
chapter 12: unrar               5.5.6                    5.5.7        #9526
chapter 12: unzip               60                       manual       #7865
chapter 12: upower              0.99.4                   0.99.5       #9521
chapter 12: zip                 30                       manual       #4911
chapter 13: Text-BibTeX         0.80                     0.81         #9504
chapter 13: URI                 1.71                     1.72         #9527
chapter 13: cmake               3.8.2                    3.9.0        #9496
chapter 13: pycairo             1.14.0                   1.15.0       #9522
chapter 13: rustc               1.16.0                   1.19.0       #9168
chapter 13: tk                  8.6.6                    0            #9500
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.8.0                    1.8.2        #9461
chapter 14: bind9               9.11.1-P3                9.11.2       
chapter 14: whois               5.2.16                   5.2.17       #9535
chapter 14: wireshark           2.2.7                    2.4.0        #9497
chapter 20: bind                9.11.1-P3                9.11.2       
chapter 24: libinput            1.8.0                    1.8.1        #9498
chapter 24: xterm               330                      0            
chapter 25: gdk-pixbuf          2.36.6                   2.36.7       #9499
chapter 25: gtk+3               3.22.16                  3.22.17      #9500
chapter 25: libdrm              2.4.81                   2.4.82       #9505
chapter 25: pango               1.40.6                   1.40.7       #9488
chapter 25: webkitgtk           2.16.5                   2.16.6       #9523
chapter 26: icewm               1.4.0                    1.4.1        #9536
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 32: kf5                 5.34                     5.36         #9315
chapter 32: kf5-apps            17.04.1                  17.04.3      #9334
chapter 32: plasma5             5.10.0                   5.10.4       #9335
chapter 35: gjs                 1.48.5                   1.48.6       #9537
chapter 35: libwnck             3.24.0                   3.24.1       #9538
chapter 35: mutter              3.24.3                   3.24.4       #9507
chapter 37: exo                 0.10.7                   0.11.5       #8251
chapter 37: parole              0.8.1                    0.9.2        #8870
chapter 37: tumbler             0.1.32                   0.2.0        #9491
chapter 37: xfce4-terminal                  0.8.6        #9485
chapter 39: kguiaddons          5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 39: kidletime           5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 39: kwindowsystem       5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 39: libkscreen          5.10.0                   5.10.4       #9335
chapter 39: solid               5.34.0                   5.36.0       #9315
chapter 43: epiphany            3.24.2                   3.24.3       #9031
chapter 43: feh                 2.19                     2.19.1       #9528
chapter 43: icedtea-web         1.6.2                    1.7          #9510
chapter 43: libreoffice              
chapter 43: seamonkey           2.46                     2.48         #9508
chapter 44: faac                1.29                     1.29.3       #9516
chapter 44: faad2               2.8.0                    0            #9492
chapter 44: x264                20170212                 daily        #7555
chapter 45: cdrtools            3.02a07                  manual       
chapter 45: kwave               17.04.1                  17.04.3      #9334
chapter 45: mpg123              1.25.0                   1.25.4       #9501
chapter 46: x264                20170212                 daily        #7555
chapter 50: cups-filters        1.14.1                   1.16.0       #9525

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