BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: polkit              0.113+git_2919920+js38   manual       
chapter 05: LVM2                2.02.171                 2.02.175     #9862
chapter 05: sshfs               3.2.0                    3.3.0        #9759
chapter 09: glib                2.54.0                   2.54.1       #9746
chapter 09: gmime               2.6.23                   3.0.2        #9164
chapter 09: js38                38.2.1.rc0               manual       
chapter 09: js52                52.2.1gnome1             manual       
chapter 09: json-glib           1.2.8                    1.4.2        #9746
chapter 09: libxml2             2.9.5                    2.9.6        #9858
chapter 09: libxslt             1.1.30                   1.1.31       #9859
chapter 10: babl                0.1.32                   0.1.34       #9840
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.9-9                  6.9.9-19     #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.6-10                 7.0.7-7      #7859
chapter 11: screen              4.5.1                    4.6.1        #9854
chapter 12: colord              1.2.12                   1.4.1        #9642
chapter 12: dbus                1.10.22                  1.10.24      #9817
chapter 12: systemd             234                      0            
chapter 13: python3             3.6.2                    3.6.3        #9841
chapter 13: rustc               1.19.0                   1.20.0       #9168
chapter 13: vala                0.38.1                   0.38.2       #9864
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.8.2                    1.8.4        #9796
chapter 17: curl                7.55.1                   7.56.0       #9847
chapter 17: libnl               3.3.0                    3.4.0        
chapter 20: postfix             3.2.2                    3.2.3        #9811
chapter 20: postgresql          9.6.5                    10.0         #9853
chapter 25: gtk+3               3.22.22                  3.22.24      #9836
chapter 25: gtksourceview       3.24.4                   3.24.5       #9829
chapter 25: qt5                 5.9.1                    5.9.2        #9860
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 26: sddm                0.15.0                   0.16.0       #9865
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 32: kf5                 5.37                     5.39         #9703
chapter 32: kf5-apps            17.08.0                  17.08.2      #9713
chapter 32: plasma5             5.10.5                   5.11.0       #9854
chapter 35: dconf               0.26.0                   0.26.1       #9837
chapter 35: dconf-editor        3.22.3                   3.26.1       #9837
chapter 35: evolution-data-serve3.24.5                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gdm                 3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gjs                 1.50.0                   1.50.1       #9838
chapter 35: gnome-backgrounds   3.24.0                   3.26.2       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-bluetooth     3.20.1                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-control-center3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-desktop       3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-online-account3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-session       3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-settings-daemo3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-shell         3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-shell-extensio3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gvfs                1.32.1                   1.34.1       #9746
chapter 35: libgtop             2.36.0                   2.38.0       #9746
chapter 35: libgweather         3.24.1                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: libpeas             1.20.0                   1.22.0       #9746
chapter 35: mutter              3.24.4                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: nautilus                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: totem-pl-parser     3.10.8                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: vte                 0.48.3                   0.50.1       #9746
chapter 35: yelp                3.22.0                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 36: baobab              3.24.0                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: cheese              3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: eog                 3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: evince              3.24.1                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: evolution           3.24.5                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 36: file-roller         3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-color-manager 3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-logs          3.24.2                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-maps          3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-system-monitor3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-terminal      3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-tweak-tool    3.24.1              #9747
chapter 36: gnome-weather       3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gucharmap           10.0.0                   10.0.2       #9747
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.8.2                    1.8.4        #9796
chapter 37: exo                 0.10.7                   0.11.5       #8251
chapter 37: parole              0.8.1                    0.9.2        #8870
chapter 39: kguiaddons          5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: kidletime           5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: kwindowsystem       5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: libkscreen          5.10.5                   5.11.0       #9854
chapter 39: libqtxdg            2.0.0                    3.0.0        #9803
chapter 39: libsysstat          0.3.3                    0.4.0        #9804
chapter 39: lxqt-build-tools    0.3.2                    0.4.0        #9804
chapter 39: lxqt-l10n           0.11.2                   0.11.99      #9819
chapter 39: pavucontrol-qt      0.2.0                    0.3.0        #9808
chapter 39: solid               5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 43: QupZilla            2.1.2                    2.2.0        #9866
chapter 43: chromium            60.0.3112.101            61.0.3163.100#9681
chapter 43: epiphany            3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9031
chapter 43: feh                 2.20                     2.21         #9863
chapter 43: libreoffice              #9856
chapter 43: thunderbird         52.3.0                   52.4.0       #9861
chapter 44: x264                20170822                 daily        #7555
chapter 45: Clearlooks          1.7                      1.8          
chapter 45: kwave               17.08.0                  17.08.2      #9713
chapter 50: cups-filters        1.17.5                   1.17.9       #9780
chapter 50: itstool             2.0.2                    2.0.3        #9852

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