BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: gnutls              3.6.0                    3.6.1        #9914
chapter 04: polkit              0.113+git_2919920+js38   manual       
chapter 05: btrfs-progs         4.13.2                   4.13.3       #9890
chapter 05: sshfs               3.2.0                    3.3.0        #9759
chapter 09: apr                 1.6.2                    1.6.3        
chapter 09: apr-util            1.6.0                    1.6.1        
chapter 09: glib                2.54.0                   2.54.1       #9746
chapter 09: gmime               2.6.23                   3.0.2        #9164
chapter 09: gmime1              3.0.2                    0            
chapter 09: js38                38.2.1.rc0               manual       
chapter 09: js52                52.2.1gnome1             manual       
chapter 09: json-glib           1.2.8                    1.4.2        #9746
chapter 09: libatomic_ops       7.4.6                    7.4.8        #9895
chapter 09: libxkbcommon        0.7.2                    0            
chapter 09: node.js             8.6.0                    8.7.0        #9875
chapter 09: xapian-core         1.4.4                    1.4.5        #9885
chapter 10: harfbuzz            1.6.0                    1.6.1        
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.9-9                  6.9.9-20     #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.6-10                 7.0.7-8      #7859
chapter 11: ibus                1.5.16                   1.5.17       
chapter 11: screen              4.5.1                    4.6.1        #7754
chapter 12: ModemManager        1.6.8                    1.6.10       #9905
chapter 12: colord              1.3.5                    1.4.1        #9597
chapter 12: systemd             235                      0            
chapter 13: Class-Accessor      0.34                     0.51         
chapter 13: Net-DNS             1.12                     1.13         #9896
chapter 13: check               0.11.0                   0.12.0       #9909
chapter 13: dejagnu             1.6                      1.6.1        #9892
chapter 13: expect              5.45                     5.45.3       #9906
chapter 13: lxml                4.0.0                    0            
chapter 13: rustc               1.19.0                   1.21.0       #9168
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.8.2                    1.8.4        #9796
chapter 20: dovecot               #9910
chapter 20: httpd               2.4.28                   2.4.29       #9911
chapter 24: intel-vaapi-driver  1.8.3                    2.0.0        #9915
chapter 24: libva               1.8.3                    2.0.0        #9915
chapter 25: libdrm              2.4.84                   2.4.85       #9913
chapter 25: webkitgtk           2.18.0                   2.18.1       #9898
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 32: kf5                 5.37                     5.39         #9703
chapter 32: kf5-apps            17.08.0                  17.08.2      #9713
chapter 32: plasma5             5.10.5                   5.11.1       #9854
chapter 35: Beaker              1.9.0                    0            
chapter 35: Business-ISMN       1.131                    1.13         
chapter 35: Class-Accessor      0.34                     0.51         
chapter 35: DateTime-Format-Buil0.81                     0            
chapter 35: Encode-JIS          2K-0.03                  0            
chapter 35: Error               0.17025                  0            
chapter 35: IPC-Run             3-0.048                  0            
chapter 35: Jinja               2-2.9.6                  0            
chapter 35: LMDB                0.9.21                   0            
chapter 35: List-MoreUtils      0.426                    0            
chapter 35: Log-Log             4perl-1.49               0            
chapter 35: Mako                1.0.4                    0            
chapter 35: MarkupSafe          1.0                      0            
chapter 35: ModemManager        1.6.8                    1.6.10       #9905
chapter 35: Module-Build        0.4224                   0.40         
chapter 35: Net-DNS             1.12                     1.13         #9896
chapter 35: NetworkManager      1.8.2                    1.8.4        #9796
chapter 35: OpenJDK              0            
chapter 35: OpenJDK1           0            
chapter 35: Python1             3.6.3                    0            
chapter 35: QScintilla_gpl      2.10.1                   0            
chapter 35: Text-BibTeX         0.85                     0.79         
chapter 35: Text-CSV            1.95                     0            
chapter 35: XML-LibXML-Simple   0.97                     0            
chapter 35: XML-LibXSLT         1.95                     0            
chapter 35: XML-Writer          0.625                    0.4.6        
chapter 35: acpid               2.0.28                   0            
chapter 35: apache-ant          1.10.1                   0            
chapter 35: at                  3.1.20                   0                  
chapter 35: at-spi              2-core-2.26.0            0            
chapter 35: at-spi1             2-atk-2.26.0             0            
chapter 35: autoconf            2.13                     2.69         
chapter 35: avahi               0.7                      0            
chapter 35: bind1               9.11.2                   0            
chapter 35: c-ares              1.12.0                   0            
chapter 35: cairo               1.14.10                  1.15.10      
chapter 35: cairomm             1.12.2                   1.15.5       
chapter 35: cfe                 5.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: check               0.11.0                   0            #9909
chapter 35: colord              1.3.5                    1.4.1        #9597
chapter 35: compiler-rt         5.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: db                  6.2.32                   0            
chapter 35: dbus                1.10.24                  1.11.20      
chapter 35: dejagnu             1.6                      1.6.1        #9892
chapter 35: dovecot               #9910
chapter 35: doxygen             1.8.13                   0            
chapter 35: elfutils            0.170                    0            
chapter 35: evolution-data-serve3.24.5                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: exim                4.89                     0            
chapter 35: expect              5.45                     0            #9906
chapter 35: fcron               3.2.0                    0            
chapter 35: fetchmail           6.3.26                   0            
chapter 35: fltk                1.3.4                    0            
chapter 35: fluxbox             1.3.7                    0            
chapter 35: freeglut            3.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: funcsigs            1.0.2                    0            
chapter 35: gcc1                7.2.0                    0            
chapter 35: gdm                 3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-backgrounds   3.24.0                   3.26.2       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-bluetooth     3.20.1                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-control-center3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-desktop       3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-online-account3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-session       3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-settings-daemo3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-shell         3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-shell-extensio3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.24.2              #9746
chapter 35: gtk+                2.24.31                  0            #9894
chapter 35: gtk+1               3.22.24                  0            
chapter 35: gtkmm1              3.22.2                   0            
chapter 35: gvfs                1.32.1                   1.34.1       #9746
chapter 35: hdparm              9.52                     0            
chapter 35: heirloom            070715                   0            
chapter 35: heirloom-mailx      12.5                     0            
chapter 35: httpd               2.4.28                   2.4.29       #9911
chapter 35: icewm               1.4.2                    0            
chapter 35: icon-naming-utils   0.8.90                   0.8.7        
chapter 35: imlib               2-1.4.10                 0            
chapter 35: intel-vaapi-driver  1.8.3                    0            #9915
chapter 35: junit               4_4.11                   0            
chapter 35: k                   3b-17.08.0               17.08.0            
chapter 35: libdrm              2.4.84                   2.4.79       #9913
chapter 35: libepoxy            1.4.3                    0            
chapter 35: libevent            2.1.8                    0            
chapter 35: libgtop             2.36.0                   2.38.0       #9746
chapter 35: libgweather         3.24.1                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: libkexiv            2-17.08.0                0            
chapter 35: libndp              1.6                      0            
chapter 35: libnl               3.4.0                    0            
chapter 35: libnl-doc           3.4.0                    0            
chapter 35: libnsl              1.1.0                    0            
chapter 35: libpeas             1.20.0                   1.22.0       #9746
chapter 35: librep              0.92.7                   0            
chapter 35: libtirpc            1.0.2                    0            
chapter 35: libva               1.8.3                    0            #9915
chapter 35: libvdpau-va-gl      0.4.0                    0            
chapter 35: llvm                5.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: logrotate           3.11.0                   0            
chapter 35: lua1                5.3.4                    0            
chapter 35: lxde-icon-theme     0.5.1                    0            
chapter 35: lxdm                0.5.3                    0            
chapter 35: lxml                4.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: lynx                2.8.8rel.2               0            
chapter 35: mod_dnssd           0.6                      0            
chapter 35: mutter              3.24.4                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 35: nasm1               2.13.01                  0            
chapter 35: nautilus                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: ncftp               3.2.6                    2.4.3        
chapter 35: net-tools-CVS       20101030                 0            
chapter 35: nfs-utils           2.1.1                    0            
chapter 35: nghttp              2-1.26.0                 0            
chapter 35: ninja               1.8.2                    0            
chapter 35: npapi-sdk           0.27.2                   0            
chapter 35: ntp                 4.2.8p10                 4.2.8        
chapter 35: openbox             3.6.1                    0            
chapter 35: openldap            2.4.45                   0            
chapter 35: p                   7zip_16.02               0            #9746
chapter 35: polkit-qt-1         0.112.0                  0            
chapter 35: postgresql          10.0                     0            
chapter 35: pycairo             1.15.3                   0            
chapter 35: pycrypto            2.6.1                    0            
chapter 35: pygobject1          3.26.0                   0            
chapter 35: python              2.7.14                   0            #9917
chapter 35: raptor              2-2.0.15                 1.4.21       
chapter 35: rpcbind             0.2.4                    0            
chapter 35: rpcsvc-proto        1.2                      0            
chapter 35: ruby                2.4.2                    0            
chapter 35: rustc               1.19.0                   0            #9168
chapter 35: sawfish             1.12.0                   0            
chapter 35: scons               3.0.0                    0            
chapter 35: scour               0.36                     0            
chapter 35: sddm                0.16.0                   0            
chapter 35: sendmail.           8.15.2                   0            
chapter 35: sg                  3_utils-1.42             0            
chapter 35: six                 1.11.0                   0            
chapter 35: sqlite-autoconf     3200100                  0            
chapter 35: sqlite-doc          3200100                  0            
chapter 35: swig                3.0.12                   0            
chapter 35: sysstat             11.6.0                   0            #9804
chapter 35: systemd             235                      0            
chapter 35: tcl                 8.6.7                    0            
chapter 35: tcl1                8.6.7                    0            
chapter 35: tk                  8.6.7                    0            #9894
chapter 35: traceroute          2.1.0                    0            
chapter 35: udisks1             2.7.3                    0            
chapter 35: unrarsrc            5.5.8                    0            
chapter 35: unzip               60                       0            
chapter 35: upower              0.99.6                   0.9.23       
chapter 35: vsftpd              3.0.3                    0            
chapter 35: vte                 0.48.3                   0.50.1       #9746
chapter 35: w                   3m-0.5.3                 0                  
chapter 35: webkitgtk           2.18.0                   2.18.1       #9898
chapter 35: whois               5.2.18                   0            
chapter 35: wicd                1.7.4                    0            
chapter 35: wireless_tools.     29                       0            
chapter 35: xf                  86-input-evdev-2.10.5    0            #5918
chapter 35: xf1                 86-input-libinput-0.26.0 0            
chapter 35: xf11                86-input-synaptics-1.9.0 0            
chapter 35: xf111               86-input-vmmouse-13.1.0  0            
chapter 35: xf1111              86-input-wacom-0.35.0    0            
chapter 35: xf11111             86-video-amdgpu-1.4.0    0            
chapter 35: xf111111            86-video-ati-7.10.0      0            
chapter 35: xf1111111           86-video-fbdev-0.4.4     0            
chapter 35: xf11111111          86-video-intel-20170826  0            
chapter 35: xf111111111         86-video-nouveau-1.0.15  0            
chapter 35: xf1111111111        86-video-vmware-13.2.1   0            
chapter 35: xterm               330                      0            
chapter 35: yelp                3.22.0                   3.26.0       #9746
chapter 35: zip                 30                       0            #4911
chapter 36: baobab              3.24.0                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: cheese              3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: eog                 3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: evince              3.24.1                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: evolution           3.24.5                   3.26.1       #9746
chapter 36: file-roller         3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-color-manager 3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.24.1                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-logs          3.24.2                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-maps          3.24.3                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-system-monitor3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-terminal      3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9747
chapter 36: gnome-tweak-tool    3.24.1              #9747
chapter 36: gnome-weather       3.24.0                   3.26.0       #9747
chapter 36: gucharmap           10.0.0                   10.0.2       #9747
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.8.2                    1.8.4        #9796
chapter 37: exo                 0.10.7                   0.11.5       #8251
chapter 37: parole              0.8.1                    0.9.2        #8870
chapter 37: xfce4-notifyd       0.2.4                    0.4.0        #8875
chapter 39: kguiaddons          5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: kidletime           5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: kwindowsystem       5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 39: libfm-qt            0.11.2                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: libkscreen          5.10.5                   5.11.1       #9854
chapter 39: liblxqt             0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: libqtxdg            2.0.0                    3.1.0        #9803
chapter 39: libsysstat          0.3.3                    0.4.0        #9804
chapter 39: lximage-qt          0.5.1                    0.6.0        #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-about          0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-admin          0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-build-tools    0.3.2                    0.4.0        #9804
chapter 39: lxqt-config         0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-globalkeys     0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-l10n           0.11.2                   0.12.0       #9819
chapter 39: lxqt-notificationd  0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-panel          0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-policykit      0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-powermanagement0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-qtplugin       0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-runner         0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: lxqt-session        0.11.1                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: pavucontrol-qt      0.2.0                    0.3.0        #9808
chapter 39: pcmanfm-qt          0.11.3                   0.12.0       #9808
chapter 39: qterminal           0.7.1                    0.8.0        #9808
chapter 39: qtermwidget         0.7.1                    0.8.0        #9808
chapter 39: solid               5.37.0                   5.39.0       #9703
chapter 43: chromium            61.0.3163.100            62.0.3202.62 #9903
chapter 43: epiphany            3.24.2                   3.26.1       #9031
chapter 43: libreoffice              #9856
chapter 43: thunderbird         52.3.0                   52.4.0       #9861
chapter 44: faac                  #9887
chapter 44: faad2               2.8.5                    2.8.6        #9874
chapter 44: x264                20170822                 daily        #7555
chapter 45: Clearlooks          1.8                      1.9          #9908
chapter 45: dvd+rw-tools        7.1                      0            
chapter 45: ffmpeg              3.3.4                    3.4          #9888
chapter 45: kwave               17.08.0                  17.08.2      #9713
chapter 45: lame                3.99.5                   3.100        #9884
chapter 50: cups                2.2.4                    2.2.5        #9780
chapter 50: cups-filters        1.17.5                   1.17.9       #9780

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