BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: gnupg               2.2.3                    2.2.4        #10198
chapter 04: krb5                1.15.2                   1.16         #10118
chapter 05: LVM2                2.02.176                 2.02.177     #10182
chapter 09: gmime3              3.0.5                    3.2.0        #10199
chapter 09: libatomic_ops       7.4.8                    7.4.10       #10206
chapter 09: libwacom            0.26                     0.27         #10173
chapter 10: opencv              3.3.1                    3.4.0        
chapter 10: opencv_contrib      3.3.1                    3.4.0        #10207
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.9-23                 6.9.9-27     #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.7-11                 7.0.7-15     #7859
chapter 12: autofs              5.1.3                    5.1.4        #10185
chapter 12: gpm                 1.20.7                   0            
chapter 13: rustc               1.19.0                   1.22.1       #9168
chapter 13: tcl                 8.6.7                    8.6.8        #10177
chapter 13: tk                  8.6.7                    8.6.8        #10177
chapter 14: NetworkManager      1.10.0                   1.10.2       #10150
chapter 14: nfs-utils           2.2.1                    2.3.1        #10200
chapter 14: samba               4.7.3                    4.7.4        #10208
chapter 17: alpine              2.21                     2.21.99      #10188
chapter 17: mutt                1.9.1                    1.9.2        #10178
chapter 17: nghttp2             1.28.0                   1.29.0       #10189
chapter 20: dovecot                    2.3.0        #10209
chapter 24: mesa                17.2.7                   17.3.1       #9965
chapter 24: xorg-server         1.19.5                   1.19.6       #10201
chapter 25: webkitgtk           2.18.3                   2.18.4       #10190
chapter 26: sddm                0.16.0                   0.17.0       #10119
chapter 35: evolution-data-serve3.26.2.1                 3.26.3       #10151
chapter 35: gnome-online-account3.26.1                   3.26.2       #10170
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.26.2              #10120
chapter 36: evolution           3.26.2                   3.26.3       #10151
chapter 36: gnome-tweak-tool    3.26.3                   3.26.4       #10152
chapter 36: network-manager-appl1.8.6                    1.8.10       #10191
chapter 37: parole              0.8.1                    0.9.2        #8870
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.8.1                    0.9.0        #10163
chapter 37: xfce4-power-manager 1.6.0                    1.6.1        #10192
chapter 43: QupZilla            2.2.2                    2.2.3        #10193
chapter 43: chromium            62.0.3202.94             63.0.3239.108#10130
chapter 43: epiphany            3.26.3              #10157
chapter 43: firefox             57.0.1                   57.0.2       #10134
chapter 43: icedtea-web         1.7                      1.7.1        #10179
chapter 43: libreoffice              #10117
chapter 43: thunderbird         52.5.0                   52.5.2       #10205
chapter 43: xscreensaver        5.37                     5.38         #10202
chapter 44: x264                20170822                 daily        #7555
chapter 50: biber               2.9                      2.10         #10194
chapter 50: cups-filters        1.17.9                   1.18.0       #10197

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