BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 05: mdadm               4.0                      4.1          #11286
chapter 09: js38                52.2.1gnome1             manual       
chapter 09: js52                60.1.0                   manual       
chapter 09: libgpg-error        1.33                     1.34         
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.10-10                6.9.10-23    #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.8-10                 7.0.8-23     #7859
chapter 13: apache-ant          1.10.4                   1.10.5       #11067
chapter 13: jdk                 10.0.2+13                11.0.2+7     #11139
chapter 13: rustc               1.29.2                   1.31.1       #11521
chapter 17: alpine              2.21                     2.21.999     #10188
chapter 17: links               2.17                     2.18         
chapter 20: db                  5.3.28                   manual       
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.53.0                   5.54.0       #11523
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.53.0                   5.54.0       #11523
chapter 29: phonon              4.10.1                   4.10.2       #11523
chapter 29: phonon-backend-vlc  0.10.1                   0.10.2       #11523
chapter 32: kf5                 5.53                     5.54         #11523
chapter 32: kf5-apps            18.12.0                  18.12.1      #11523
chapter 32: plasma5             5.14.4                   5.14.5       #11523
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.8.1                    0.9.1        #10163
chapter 45: kwave               18.12.0                  18.12.1      #11523
chapter 50: docbook-xsl         1.79.2                   manual       

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