BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: nettle              3.5                      3.5.1        #12205
chapter 04: shadow              4.6                      4.7          #12155
chapter 04: stunnel             5.54                     5.55         #12139
chapter 05: fuse3               3.5.0                    3.6.1        
chapter 05: mdadm               4.0                      4.1          #11286
chapter 06: vim                 8.1.1535                 8.1          
chapter 09: gobject-introspectio1.60.1                   1.60.2       #12162
chapter 09: js38                60.1.0                   manual       
chapter 09: libarchive          3.4.0                    0            
chapter 09: libssh2             1.8.2                    1.9.0        #12182
chapter 09: libuv               1.29.1                   1.30.0       
chapter 10: giflib              5.1.9                    5.2.0        #12193
chapter 10: harfbuzz            2.5.0                    2.5.3        #12120
chapter 10: newt                0.52.21                  0            
chapter 10: poppler             0.77.0                   0.78.0       #12202
chapter 11: ImageMagick6        6.9.10-27                6.9.10-50    #7859
chapter 11: ImageMagick7        7.0.8-27                 7.0.8-50     #7859
chapter 12: mc                  4.8.22                   4.8.23       #12190
chapter 12: pax                 20161104                 0            
chapter 12: sysstat             12.1.4                   12.1.5       #12183
chapter 12: systemd             241                      242          #11941
chapter 12: udisks2             2.8.2                    2.8.3        
chapter 13: cbindgen            0.8.7                    0.9.0        #12203
chapter 13: guile               2.2.4                    2.2.5        #12179
chapter 13: jdk                 11.0.2+9                 manual       #12191
chapter 13: mercurial           5.0                      5.0.1        #12130
chapter 13: rustc               1.32.0                   1.35.0       #11975
chapter 14: samba               4.10.4                   4.10.5       #12177
chapter 14: whois               5.4.2                    5.4.3        #12153
chapter 14: wireshark           3.0.1                    3.0.2        #12088
chapter 17: libevent            2.1.10                   2.1.8        
chapter 17: mutt                1.12.0                   1.12.1       #12163
chapter 20: db                  5.3.28                   manual       #12166
chapter 20: mariadb             10.3.15                  10.4.6       #12166
chapter 20: unbound             1.9.1                    1.9.2        #12169
chapter 24: encodings           1.0.4                    1.0.5        #12167
chapter 24: libX11              1.6.7                    1.6.8        #12165
chapter 24: libXi               1.7.9                    1.7.10       #12174
chapter 24: libXt               1.1.5                    1.2.0        #12188
chapter 24: libevdev            1.6.0                    1.7.0        #12127
chapter 24: libinput            1.13.2                   1.13.4       #12194
chapter 24: libva               2.4.0                    2.4.1        #12089
chapter 24: mesa                19.0.4                   19.1.1       #12086
chapter 24: xkeyboard-config    2.26                     2.27         #12116
chapter 24: xorg-server         1.20.4                   1.20.5       #12117
chapter 24: xorgproto           2018.4                   2019.1       #12178
chapter 25: atk                 2.32.0                   2.33.3       #12090
chapter 25: colord-gtk          0.1.26                   0.2.0        #12180
chapter 25: goffice             0.10.44                  0.10.45      #12123
chapter 25: qt-everywhere-src   5.12.4                   5.13.0       #12173
chapter 26: icewm               1.5.4                    1.5.5        #12131
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.58.0                   5.59.0       #12121
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.58.0                   5.59.0       #12121
chapter 32: kf5                 5.58                     5.59         #12121
chapter 32: kf5-apps            19.04.1                  19.04.2      #12124
chapter 32: plasma5             5.15.5                   5.16.2       #12132
chapter 35: folks               0.12.1                   0.13.1       #12181
chapter 35: gnome-control-center3.32.1                   3.32.2       #12098
chapter 35: gnome-settings-daemo3.32.0                   3.32.1       #12175
chapter 35: gnome-shell         3.32.1                   3.32.2       #12078
chapter 35: gnome-user-docs     3.32.1                   3.32.2       #12027
chapter 35: libchamplain        0.12.16                  0.12.19      
chapter 35: libgdata            0.17.9                   0.17.10      
chapter 35: mutter              3.32.1                   3.32.2       #12079
chapter 36: eog                 3.32.1                   3.32.2       #12083
chapter 36: evolution           3.32.1                   3.32.3       #12025
chapter 36: gnome-calculator    3.30.1                   3.32.2       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.30.2                   3.32.1       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-logs          3.30.0                   3.32.1       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-maps          3.30.3              #12026
chapter 36: gnome-power-manager 3.30.0                   3.32.0       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-screenshot    3.30.0                   3.32.0       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-system-monitor3.30.0                   3.32.1       #11774
chapter 36: gnome-weather       3.26.0                   3.32.2       #11774
chapter 36: gucharmap           11.0.3                   12.0.1       #11774
chapter 37: exo                 0.12.5                   0.12.6       #12158
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.8.1                    0.9.2        #10163
chapter 43: balsa               2.5.6                    2.5.7        #12101
chapter 43: gnumeric            1.12.44                  1.12.45      #12125
chapter 43: gparted             0.33.0                   1.0.0        #12110
chapter 43: libreoffice              #12091
chapter 45: kwave               19.04.1                  19.04.2      #12124
chapter 45: vlc                 3.0.6                #12133
chapter 50: docbook-xsl-nons    1.79.2                   manual       

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