
I'd like to add several new packages to BLFS to enable hardware
accelerated video decoding for some packages.

VDPAU [1]: libvdpau and libvdpau-va-gl
VAAPI [2]: libva, libva-intel-driver and libva-vdpau-driver

gstreamer-vaapi, GStreamer backend for libva, currently used by Totem.

gst{,10}-plugins-bad provide GStreamer backend for libvdpau, no known
user yet.

Only Intel cards use libva directly, but there is vdpau backend to make
libva use vdpau drivers for cards that don't support libva.

libvdpau is used by Nvidia (proprietary), nouveau (opensource Nvidia)
and AMD Radeon (r300 (Over 3D engine) and R600 through Southern Islands
(over UVD (universal video decoding))). Open Source vdpau drivers are
provided in Mesa package.

libvdpau-va-gl offers a bridge for vdpau apps to use libva for hardware
decoding (similar to libva-vdpau-driver).

Current app in BLFS that has good VAAPI support is VLC. VDPAU backend is
also present, but in 2.1 which isn't yet released. FFmpeg and xine-lib
are other packages which can enable libva support.

Current app in BLFS which has good VDPAU support is MPlayer. Adobe Flash
also uses VDPAU and from my experience it lowers CPU usage a lot.

Of course, as I mentioned earlier, you can use libva hardware video
decoding with vdpau aware apps and vice versa.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_Acceleration_API
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