Re: Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-17 Thread Andrew Benton
Brandin Creech wrote: /usr/share/fonts? Not that I can claim to be an X font expert, but I always thought the usual place was /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. Or is this something else? Yes, this is about Fontconfig. If you read /etc/fonts/fonts.conf , by default the only place it searches for fonts

Re: Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-16 Thread Jeremy Byron
Brandin Creech wrote: /usr/share/fonts? Not that I can claim to be an X font expert, but I always thought the usual place was /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts. Or is this something else? There is an option at the bottom of the host.def that, when uncommented, makes the X font directory /usr/share/fon

Re: Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-16 Thread Brandin Creech
--- Andrew Benton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Thomas De Reyck wrote: > > > > I checked it out and my /usr/share/fonts directory seems to be > > do i get it in place? > > mkdir /usr/share/fonts > > then copy some fonts into it. I install a bundle of fonts like this > > tar xfC f

Re: Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-16 Thread Andrew Benton
Thomas De Reyck wrote: Hello fellow BLFS'ers, I installed today, and it appeared to run great...until i tried to run XFCE and ROX in it, that is. Fontconfig reports that there are "no fonts found": "No fonts found; this probably means that the fontconfig library is not correctly config

Re: Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-16 Thread Randy McMurchy
Thomas De Reyck wrote these words on 09/16/05 18:06 CST: > I installed today, and it appeared to run great...until i tried to > run XFCE and ROX in it, that is. Fontconfig reports that there are "no > fonts found": Did you set up your fonts as the book shows in the "X Window System Compon

Fontconfig: no fonts found

2005-09-16 Thread Thomas De Reyck
Hello fellow BLFS'ers, I installed today, and it appeared to run great...until i tried to run XFCE and ROX in it, that is. Fontconfig reports that there are "no fonts found": "No fonts found; this probably means that the fontconfig library is not correctly configured. You may need to ed