My  ha ha CPU is  a Celeron 1.6 or 1.8 I think.  Never really much
cared about it because this machine is used in harsh electrical
environments and if it fails it is no big waste of money.
I do not have or lost the SBU value.That was too long ago.( Comp time
for Binutils right?)
I do need a better system though, 20 hrs is just too long!  But I do
not know how well the 64 bit software is working out.   It would be
nice to have a multicore CPU along with a few raptors .    OO would
take perhaps 2 hr's..

Just tried :
./configure  --enable-libsn --disable-fontooo --enable-kde
--disable-binfilter  --without-fonts  --with-system-stdlibs  
--with-package-format=native --with-system-mozilla
--with-system-libxml  --with-system-zlib --with-and-home=/opt/ant
--with-jdk-home=/opt/j2sdk142/j2sdk-precompiled-1.4.2 --with-java=yes
--enable-fontconfig --enable-cups --enable-gtk --enable-libart
--with-system-freetype --with-system-zlib  --with-system-jpeg 
--with-system-expat    --with-system-libwpd  --with-system-curl  
--with-dict="en_US" --prefix=/opt/openoffice2.0.1
--with-build-version="BLFS-6.0"  --with-system-sane-header

and it gave the same results as far as unodevtools is concerned.

OO 2.0.0 did not do this, although I did not use
when building OO-2.0.0

Regards. DS

> The old 1.4 had the same issue with gtk+ as it was removed from the
> source tree.  I've not gotten that far yet, but I suspect it's probably
> for the same reason, so not an issue.  I'll look into it shortly.

> real    1230m9.720s
> user    1091m13.716s
> sys     111m23.943s

By chance have PC specs and your SBU value?
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