Hi everyone,

First of all I will say very thanks for the answers you have send to me
regarding what program I could tried when I will convert a WORD-document
make in Office 2003 to an accessible PDF-file.

Now I have found a solution there make accessible PDF-files (you can see
headings, formatting etc. with JAWS)!

The Danish service called RoboBraille (http://www.robobraille.org) has,
among other things, on the basis of my approach implemented opportunity for
converting of a WORD-document (.DOC, .DOCX and .RTF) to tagged PDF-files.

You can read more on why RoboBraille can do for you on the website above
(the website is on English).

If you will convert a WORD-document to PDF:
1. Create a new e-mail.
2. Send the e-mail to conver...@robobraille.org
3. In the subject field write pdf
4. Do not write anything in the e-mail
5. Attach the file you will convert.
6. Send the e-mail.
7. After a chord time you will receive the PDF-file via your inbox.

If you have questions about RoboBraille, you can contact the owners via the
e-mail-address cont...@robobraille.org.

This e-mail is sent with permission from the team behind RoboBraille.
Have fun with the converting.


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