Hi there,

Just tried to register on QuentinC Playroom, which told me rather tersely that my "email address is invalid". I was very puzzled, as I had double-checked and triple-checked my address.

I then went to contact them regarding the bug, and was then told: "The anti-spam filter refused your message because its content and/or its origin are suspicious".

So I assume this is the reason I can't register.

This isn't the first site to have trouble with my email address. I've no idea how it works, except to guess that it doesn't like custom domains and is looking for the common ones like gmail, outlook and so on.

Ironic that when I go for a paid, more flexible, and more importantly privacy-conscious email solution, I get identified as "spam".

Has anyone else had this problem? If so, is there a way around this that doesn't involve getting yet another email address?


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