Hello all:

I wanted to provide some information on proper band saw adjustment.  I do use 
my saw for ripping and resawing very successfully.
My serfaces require very lettle smoothing and are straight and square.  I am 
able to cut veneer less than 1/8".

I found this article on Highland Hardware.  They do a much better job of 
talking about bandsaw adjustment than I could.  I will
make some comments before and after as this relates to me as a blind wood 
worker.  It didn't cut and paste very well.  I'd suggest
getting the pdf.

Good rip fence.
ball bearing guides (They can contact the blade while guide blocks don't. 
(guides blade more steady)
a good resaw blade (sharp and clean)
Make sure the saw is adjusted such that the blade tracks as close to the center 
of the bottom and top wheels as possible.
Make sure no guides are deflecting the blade when blade tracking is being 

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Slicing WoodA Practical Guide to Successful ResawingTo begin at the beginning: 
resawing is cuttinga sawn plank into thinner planks.
Thus the cut runsthrough the plank's width, which distinguishes resawingfrom 
ordinary rip cuts where the blade runs through
thestock's thickness. It’s all ripping in any case, and thetechniques we’ll 
review here apply just as well to rip-ping 8/4
stock as to sawing 10” veneers or 5” drawer sides. The bandsaw is the ideal 
tool for this job. It’s farsafer than a
circular saw, because it doesn’t cause kickback. Its narrow kerf and vertical 
blade movement makeit extremely efficient, wasting
minimal wood and cutting relatively easily and quickly even with a 
low-powersaw. Resawing is easy; all you have to do is cut
straight lines (very straight indeed). This requires nothing morecomplicated 
than appropriate blade selection, adequate tension,
effective stock control, and practice.Blade Selection: No ContestAs you saw 
through very thick stock, each saw tooth shaves out an
enormous amount of waste. In order tomaintain a reasonably productive feed 
rate, there has to be somewhere for that waste to be
stashed out the wayuntil the teeth emerge from the cut. Otherwise the gullets 
between the teeth fill up and stall further advance
untilthey’ve cleared the stock. Blades with about 3 teeth per inch (tpi) have 
large gullets which can accommodate asmuch waste
as you’ll generate by sawing through thick stock, and they'll handle anything 
less substantial withno trouble at all. You’ve
made the best choice of all with our Wood Slicer?, whose thin-kerf, variable 
pitch 3-4tpi design makes it the smoothest and
quietest resaw blade on the market.In principle, the wider the blade, the 
higher its beam strength and the better it can maintain
straightness.Wider, however, isn't necessarily better. Almost all U.S. 
woodcutting bandsaw blades over 1/2" wide are .035"thick,
thicker than the Wood Slicer’s total kerf width. 3/4” blades are set far more 
coarsely as well. They morethan double the load
on your saw, and they cut so roughly that they're clearly a step in the wrong 
direction.High Tension: No WorriesTension may be the
least important factor in successful resaw setup, but it’s significant 
nonetheless. Ad-equate blade tension helps keep stock
centered even if your control isn't flawless, and it reduces the 
blade'stendency to flutter under thrust. It's easy to set a
satisfactory amount of tension. Install the Wood Slicer on yoursaw, with 
lateral guides and thrust bearings opened up and backed
off both above and below the table so theydo not contact the blade. Crank on 
some tension, and then give the blade a sharp sideways
poke about halfwaybetween the upper and lower wheels. The blade will deflect a 
short distance and then seem to hit a wall; if
youpush a lot harder it will bend farther, but there's a fairly distinct point 
where it quits deflecting easily. Add ten-sion until
this sideways movement is just 1/4" to 5/16" on saws with 6” depth of cut, or 
about 3/8" - 1/2" onsaws with 12” depth. By the
way, don't look at the saw's built-in tension gauge until you're finished; 
there's noneed to confuse yourself with arbitrary
numbers. After you’ve gotten the hang of tensioning by feel, check thegauge and 
use its reading as a setup guide.Once the blade
is tensioned and tracked properly, there’s one last bit of tuning you can do 
that can make a realdifference in performance.
Before you bring the lateral guides and thrust bearings up close to the blade, 
close thewheel covers and turn the saw on. If
vibration blurs the blade, try increasing or decreasing the tension very 
slightlyuntil the blade runs smoothly in a straight, quiet
line from wheel to wheel. Cuts will be smoother when you elimi-nate this source 
of fluttering in the kerf, and the saw will run
quieter and more efficiently as well.Stock Control: A Leading QuestionCutting 
straight lines is easy: find out how the saw wants to
do it, and do it that way. That might soundfacetious, but it's actually a fair 
description of what works. Every bandsaw blade,
unless there's something se-riously wrong, can cut straight lines, but each 
will do so in its own way; each blade has its own "lead
angle". Ifyou’re resawing just one or two pieces, it will be easiest to use a 
point block fence, a curved fence tall enoughto
hold your stock upright while leaving feed direction up to you. Mark the cut 
line full length on the stock(leaving a generous
margin for error), set the point block to your target width and freehand the 
cut, adjusting 
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feed direction as you go. It’s an imperfect technique; you’ll waste more wood 
and spend more time at thethickness planer than
ideal, but overall you’ll get the job done quickly. When you need to resaw more 
than acouple of pieces, however, it will
probably be more productive to set up a straight fence and make the cuts 
withpredictable, repeatable accuracy, minimizing waste and
finishing time.Here's where most of us go wrong, so pay attention: When 
determining the proper feed direction for cut-ting straight
lines with any particular blade, it's what cuts that counts, and nothing else. 
Your miter slot doesn'tcut wood, so it doesn't help
to set your rip fence parallel to it. The front edge of your table doesn't cut 
either, sodon't bother reaching for your square. If
your fence can't be skewed right or left at least 1/2” out of parallel tothe 
miter slot you won’t be able to use it, so make
your own or get one of our FasTTrak bandsaw fences instead,which we provide 
with instructions for making it fully adjustable.
Outfit your fence with an auxiliary face highenough to hold your resaw stock 
securely vertical—5” or 6” should do.Take a
piece of 8/4 scrap wood two or three feet long, joint an edge straight, and 
mark a line parallel to thatedge. Rip freehand along
the line, adjusting your feed direction until you’re cutting consistently 
straight downthe line. When you’ve split the line
for 4 or 5 inches, stop. Hold the stock still on the table and shut off the 
saw.Mark a pencil line (which can be erased later) on
the saw table along the straight edge of the test piece, then setyour rip fence 
parallel to the pencil line. This is a first
approximation; now you’re ready for fine tuning.Make a short resaw cut, either 
in the work at hand or scrap of similar hardness
and roughly similar width. Withthe cut completed, stand a straightedge against 
the resawn face of the board. Unless you’re just
plainlucky, you’ll see that the blade bowed left or right within the stock. The 
way the blade bowed tells youhow to fine tune
your fence for very precise resawing. You know that the solid body of a blade 
can’tsimply move sideways through solid wood. To
create a bowed cut, the teeth must lead to one side oranother within the wood 
(where they’re free of the lateral guides’
constraint), twisting the blade andmaking it saw its way out of vertical. To 
keep the cut vertical, adjust your fence to match the
way theblade twisted. If the blade bowed to the left, adjust the rear of your 
fence slightly to the right; if theblade bowed right,
reset fence angle slightly left at the rear. Make another test cut and check 
the faceof the wood again. It may take three or four
tests to get the fence set for flawless sawing, but oncethat’s done you can 
resaw piece after identical piece, with cuts so
straight that one pass through theplaner is all its takes to produce clean, 
flat wood at your target thickness.Slicing Wood: Just
Do ItOnce you've done all of the above successfully, you can't go wrong — 
unless you feed too fast or too slow,or let the blade
get good and dirty. Feeding too slowly will cut the wood okay, but it will wear 
out the blade a lotfaster than need be. You’re
feeding too fast when the completed cut shows pronounced bands of wide 
diagonaltooth marks. Practice feeding at a moderate,
consistent pace, just slow enough to leave a smooth surface.Several species of 
timber can cause rapid buildup of debris on the
blade, and any wood eventually will bakeon a load of trash. Material crusted 
around the teeth can make it as hard for them to cut
as if they were dead dull,and it can affect the blade’s lead angle, too. The 
longer you wait to clean a blade the harder it will
be, so cleanit often. If a quick scrub with a Scotch-Brite pad laced with 
mineral spirits doesn't do the trick, take the bladeoff
the saw and hose it down with our Blade & Bit Cleaner, wait a few minutes and 
then wipe clean. If you sawresinous wood regularly,
Dri-Cote blade treatment will help retard accumulation of resins and 
junk.There's one last detail to cover: keeping your fingers
attached. The bandsaw may be the least hazardousresawing tool in the shop, but 
please remember that anything that turns hard wood
into sawdust can do muchworse to you. As you resaw, you'll often find yourself 
pushing the stock with one hand while holding it
againstthe high face of your rip fence with the other. It's tempting to let 
your pressure hand slide along toward theneighborhood
of the blade, but that's not cool; imagine the blade bowing within the wood and 
unexpectedlysawing its way out through the face
your hand is pressed against. It can also be tempting to push the wood rightup 
to the last half inch and then pull it through the
final bit of the cut. Once again, imagine the worst case wherean unseen crack 
allows the last two or three inches of the plank to
split apart suddenly, just as you're pushingfirmly toward the blade. Use a bit 
of scrap as push block instead.There’s plenty
more to know about resawing, of course, but this should be enough to get you 
started suc-cessfully, after which doing it will teach
you anything else you wish to know. So go do it!Copyright ? 2001 Highland 

Here are some comments and suggestions I have from my experience using my band 

When observing blade flutter while the saw is running, use a stick about 18" 
long with a knotch in one end.  Turn the saw on, tuch
the stick to the back of the blade.  Move the stick left or right until the 
back of the blade falls into the knotch.  Nake sure the
stick is about half way between the top and bottom wheels.  You will be able to 
tell if the blade is fluttering or not.

Don't worry about the section on the curved rip fence.  Unless you can follow a 
straight line, You won't be able to use this
method.  You would best be served by setting a properly adjusted rip fence.

The steps talking about getting the initial fence angle are good for us to know 
so we can have an idea how the over-all procedure
works.  However, A line drawn on a table top or on a board isn't going to do us 
a hole lot of good.  I would suggest starting with
a fence adjusted to be square.  This will give you a good starting point.  It 
might take a few more adjustments before the job is
done; but, you won't need help.

You have your tention adjusted, your guides are all holding, but not deflecting 
the blade.  You need to make sure your table tilt
stop is adjusted so your blade is square with the table.

Now, it is time to see how the saw cuts.  Get a 2x4 about 18" long and joint 
one short and one long  face.  The jointed faces of
the 2x4 should be placed against the table and fence such that the tall face is 
against the fence.  Adjust the fence so that the
blade will shave off about a 1/8" slice off the unjointed long face.  The thin 
shaved piece will be discarded.

You need to determine if the resawed face is concaved or 
or convex.  As the fence gets zeroed in, this will get harder.  I use a 
straight edge and a feeler guage.

If the face is convex, the back of the fence should be moved left.
If the face is concave, the back of the fence should be moved right

Keep in mind, these adjustments are small.  It is easy to completely loose 
where you were and where the fence should next be
positioned.  I would suggest using a block clamped  to the back of the table 
tuching the back of the fence as a reference.  Use a
feeler guage to adjust the back of the fence a known distance from the block 
either left or right.

When resawing or ripping, be sure to adjust the guides and tention  as close to 
the settings when the fence was adjusted.  Make
sure the blade is tracking in the center of both the top and bottom wheels.

I think that about covers it.  Hope that helps.  If you have any questions, let 
me know.


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