Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Sometimes that slogan about the perfect being the enemy of the good is useful, sometimes not. In this instance, I'm inclined to think it's not. Sighted people as a group disagree on a great many things, and vary a great deal on the willingness to compromise. It's the same with blind folks, a

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
So you are asserting that users would prefer insert+t to F12? Suppose I were to provide you with evidence that that is untrue. Would that make any difference to you? Suppose I were to show you that the majority of users would prefer there to be a standard set of shortcut keys for the most commo

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
That's what I've thought. Also, it seems to me as a matter of equal access that we should have speech and Braille access as close to the time as possible when sighted folks can see action on their monitors. If that requires that our speech/Braille output software be in kernel space, then it sh

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
All of this criticicism of Speakup, however valid, avoids the fact that Speakup has nonetheless been available as a staging module with Debian, for example, as well as Arch, if I'm not mistaken. It is not available with Fedora. It then became unavailable even from rpmfusion, and I've not hear

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Is there a set of instructions for doing this? Al On 04/24/2017 04:46 PM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote: This is Luke Yelavich, reply below. On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 09:23:19PM AEST, Linux for blind general discussion wrote: Screen readers cannot give boot messages anyways, with so

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
But the world doesn't have a problem with too much unity. You say, "unity behind the wrong philosophy very well might give us a worse world, not a better one." But it's not as if that has been a huge problem for the blind community, developers of accessibility software, or the combination of th

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
I know next to nothing about the NFB and ACB, and I could've sworn there was an AFB in there somewhere, but unless one organization is hoarding resources for their own members, refuse to let members be part of other organizations, or abuse IP law to the point only those willing to jump through thei

OT: ACB & NFB (was: Sonar)

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
The problem with having 2 different advocacy groups is that turf wars are almost inevitable. Of course, there is also an issue with efficiency, each group has to spend money and volunteer resources on things like offices, employees, web sites, etc. But the main problem is personality conflicts

Re: OT: ACB & NFB (was: Sonar)

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
For what it's worth, I'm all for abolishing currency and avoided cash transactions as much as possible even before I went blind(and I think it criminal that credit card companies are allowed to charge merchants for the privilege of accepting payment with their cards). That said, that US nickels, di

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
I just don't understand how you can fail to see how judgemental you are being. My hardware speech synth is not obsolete as proven by the very fact that I use it all the time and the speakup code is being actively developed as we speak. It's just a different choice I made. I have very good reas

Re: OT: ACB & NFB (was: Sonar)

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
believe me, both groups are equally as bad, and for differing reasons and over differing issues. the problem is that the ACB is a split off group from the NFB (sometime in the late 1960's). THis was due to political differences and those differences still exist today. now, one of the items that

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
I don't think I disagree with you much, but I made that point and others in the context of a lot of messages. Also, I did not say that there is too much unity, only that some kinds of unity are better than others. Al On 04/25/2017 11:22 AM, Linux for blind general discussion wrote: But t


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
The ACB's lawsuit against the U.S. Department of the Treasury to make them make money accessible was already flawed to say the least. According to the United States Constitution, the power to design money has been delegated to Congress, and the Department of the Treasury is only responsible for

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
The decision to disable the staging tree in Fedora has nothing to do with a lack of interest in accessibility. It has everything to do with security and stability, as staging is considered by the kernel developers to be unstable and not fully known to be secure. Regarding documentation, I have


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
According to Jeffery Wright: they're only against the proposal because they didn't propose it) Having been a member of the ACB and also attended NFB meetings in the past, this is the attitude I've seen on both sides. The NFB does seem to make their positions that match that philosophy more publi


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
NFB members at a training center alienated me through their rigid insistence on straight canes and failure to account for the multiply-disabled or congenitally blind in training methods. I also couldn't stomach their idea that I should run all my words and actions through the "how does this make al

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Maybe the Debian kernel's less stable than Fedora's, but I've never heard that. Then again, there are a lot of things I've not heard. (grimace) I wasn't talking about outdated documentation, but the ability to get to it in the first place from or, more precisely, f


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Actually, Congress had already directed the Treasury Department to make money accessible. That was what the lawsuit was about. And given that the ACB prevailed, I would have to say it is fairly silly for you to claim it was flawed or that it was a publicity stunt -- unless you think the Supreme


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
yeah, they kept trying to make me use "their" brand of cane. One small problem, the tips would wear out too fast. Another problem, the fastening screw would fall out. Somehow, I think their idea of a cane is simply a brand one. Sure, its lightweight, but its also a bit too flexible. It also doe

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
I agree with this post. Sure it would be great if all blind people agreed with one another, especially when it came to issues concerning the blind, but I think this is unrealistic. In this sense, the blind are no different then the general public, and as nice as it would be if the blind were be

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Nobody said anything about all blind people agreeing about anything. The issue is whether we are hurting ourselves with our inability to cooperate. Even if you don't believe that the infighting in the blind community is worse than it is in the general public, that's no reason to just accept the

Re: Sonar GNU/Linux merges with Vinux

2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
I actually didn't make that assertion. All I stated was that we just shouldn't assume that the way JAWS does something is automatically the best way something could be done. Let the developers come up with new and innovative ways of doing things, such as new key bindings or totally different wa


2017-04-25 Thread Linux for blind general discussion
Sometimes being inflexible is a good thing, sometimes a bad one. It's often but not always easy to know when to do which. Some NFB rehab centers have been more sensible than others in this department. I'm normally a guide dog user, but when I use a cane, the NFB straight cane is for me th