On Sun, 17 Dec 2017, Benjamin Cronce wrote:

This is an interesting topic to me. Over the past 5+ years, I've been reading about GPON fiber aggregators(GPON chassis for lack of a proper term) with 400Gb-1Tb/s of uplink, 1-2Tb/s line-cards, and enough GPON ports for several thousand customers.

Yep, they're available if people want to pay for them.

because they eat up support phone time. They eventually went to a
non-oversubscribed flat model. He told me that the GPON chassis plugs
strait into the core router. I asked him about GPON port shared bandwidth
and the GPON uplink. He said they will not over-subscribe a GPON port, so
all ONTs on the port can use 100% of their provisioned rate, and they will
not place more provision bandwidth on a single GPON chassis than what they
uplink can support.

Yes, it makes sense to have no or very small oversubscription of the GPON port. The aggregation uplink is another beast. In order to do statistical oversubscription, you need lots of customers so the statitics turn into an average that doesn't fluctuate too much.

loss(not a long time to sample, but was sampled at a rate of 10pps against
their speed-test server), but 20-40ms pings. I tested this during off
hours, like 1am.

Yep, sounds like they configured their queues correctly then.

Historically we had 600ms of buffering in backbone platforms in the end of the 90ties and beginning of 2000ds, then this has slowly eroded over time so now the "golden standard" is down to 30-50ms of buffer. There are platforms that have basically no buffer at all, such as 64 port 100G equipment with 12-24 megabyte of buffer. These are typically for DC deployment where RTTs are extremely low and special congestion algorithms are used. They don't work very well for ISP deployments.

to 1Gb/s. I asked them about this. Yes, the 1Gb tier was also not
over-subscribed. I'm not sure if some lone customer pretty much got their
own GPON port or they had some WDM-PON linecards.

Sounds like it, non-oversubscribing gig customers on GPON sounds expensive.

I'm currently paying about $40/m for 150/150 for a "dedicated" connection. I'm currently getting about 1ms+-0.1ms pings to my ISP's speedtest server 24/7. If I do a ping flood, I can get my avg ping down near 0.12ms. I assume this is because of GPON scheduling. Of course I only test this against their speedtest server and during off hours.

Yes, sounds like GPON scheduler indeed.

to be load-balanced by some lower-bits in the IP address. This gave a total

Load-balancing can be done a lot of different ways. Typically for ISP-speak this is called "hashing", some do it on L3, some on L3/L4 information, some do it even deeper into the packet.

of 6 links. The network admin told me that any given link had enough
bandwidth provisioned, that if all 5 other links were down, that one link
would have a 95th percentile below 80% during peak hours, and customers
should be completely unaffected.

That's a hefty margin. I'd say prudent is to make sure you can handle single fault without customer degradation. However, transit isn't that expensive so it might make sense.

what... 300Gb/s or so split among 32 customers?. As far as I can tell, last mile bandwidth is a solved problem short of incompetence, greed, or extreme circumstances.

Sure, it's not a technical problem. We have the technology. It's a money, politics, law, regulation and will problem. So yes, what you said.

Ahh yes. Statistical over-subscription was the topic. This works well for
backbone providers where they have many peering links with a heavy mix of
flows. Level 3 has a blog where they were showing off a 10Gb link where
below the 95th percentile, the link had zero total packets lost and a
queuing delay of less than 0.1ms. But above 80%, suddenly loss and jitter
went up with a hockey-stick curve. Then they showed a 400Gb link. It was at
98% utilization for the 95th percentile and it had zero total packets lost
and a max queuing delay of 0.01ms with an average of 0.00ms.

Yes, this is still true today as it was 2002 when this presentation was done:


(slide 44-47). The speeds have only increased, but this premise still is the same.

There was a major European IX that had a blog about bandwidth planning and
over-provisioning. They had a 95th percentile in the many-terabits, and
they said they said they could always predict peak bandwidth to within 1%
for any given day. Given a large mix of flow types, statistics is very good.

Indeed, the bigger the aggreation, the bigger the statistics show same behaviour every day.

On a slightly different topic, I wonder what trunk providers are using for
AQMs. My ISP was under a massive DDOS some time in the past year and I use
a Level 3 looking glass from Chicago, which showed only a 40ms delta
between the pre-hop and hitting my ISP, where it was normally about 11ms
for that link. You could say about 30ms of buffering was going on. The
really interesting thing is I was only getting about 5-10Mb/s, which means
there was virtually zero free bandwidth. but I had almost no packet-loss. I
called my ISP shortly after the issue started and that's when they told me
they were under a DDOS and were at 100% trunk, and they said they were
going to have their trunk bandwidth increased shortly. 5 minutes later, the
issue was gone. About 30 minutes later I was called back and told the DDOS
was still on-going, they just upgraded to enough bandwidth to soak it all.
I found it very interesting that a DDOS large enough to effectively kill
95% of my provisioned bandwidth and increase my ping 30ms over normal, did
not seem to affect packet-loss almost at all. It was well under 0.1%. Is
this due to the statistical nature of large links or did Level 3 have an
AQM to my ISP?

This is interesting. I thought about this for several minutes, but can't come up with an explanation to this behaviour, at least not from the typical kind of DDOS that's going around. If there was some kind of ddos mitigration equipment put into the mix, that might explain what you were seeing.

Mikael Abrahamsson    email: swm...@swm.pp.se
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