At 12:46 PM 7/3/2023, Michael Stauber via Blueonyx wrote:
>On 5210R/5211R you can switch between Sendmail and Postfix at any time and in 
>either direction. Typically the clients won't even notice and no config 
>changes are required server side or client side.
>The main difference between Sendmail and Postfix (as far as BlueOnyx goes) is 
>Postfix supports SNI. So it will make use of *all* SSL certificates. That 
>includes the GUI's cert and the SSL cert of all Vsites that have SSL enabled.

        I'm not exactly sure if I can
        state the question clearly,
        so forgive if it isn't.

        I am about to jettison
        mailchimp, which was sold
        to me as a way to prevent
        email bounces, especially
        when some cluck marks
        a Newsletter as "spam"
        instead of unsubbing.

        Will 5210 and postfix give
        me more "secuity" that that
        would not happen?

        Or, am I way off base?


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